Monday, November 22, 2004


I won't be posting for a few days.  I woke up this morning feeling a little sick and I think it's best if I just stay in bed for a few days.  I look forward to Thanksgiving and would like to feel my best for it.  Not to worry, it's nothing serious.  Just a sore throat and I was throwing up this morning but other than that, I'm feeling ok.  Hungry but a little nervous about eating anything after this morning.  Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and I'll talk to you soon.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Icky Kitty

Yesterday was a pretty nasty day.  The day before, I noticed that Scaredy, one of our cats and our only indoor/outdoor cat, had a large "bubble" on his left hind leg.  I knew by the cut nearby that it was a abcess and a very large one.  I tried expressing it myself, but got nothing but blood.  (I'm trying to be as ungraphic as possible here, bear with me) I called the rescue but everyone had went to bed for the night.  The next morning (yesterday) Nancy called me back first thing and I told her I had a problem.  She told me to come by around 4.  I loaded Scaredy into the cat carrier, which he normally hates but didn't protest on this occasion.  Now, he's been to the rescue before and had nasty things done to him so he KNOWS the smells there.  He didn't seem to want to come out of the carrier once he knew where he was.  We gave him a sedative and waited for it to take effect.  After about twenty minutes, we got everything ready.  I held him and Jennifer used a scaple to express the HUGE abcess that had been growing under his skin unseen.  It was awful.  Thankfully, I wasn't able to smell much due to the pregnancy.  We got two washcloths full of yucky stuff before it was finally cleaned out.  We bandaged him up and put him back in the carrier but left the wound open to drain.  He was a little drowzy till today due to the sedative.  Just a few minutes ago, I changed his bandage and the wound looks so much healthier than it did last night.  You can just tell how much relief that brought him.  He's purring so much louder today than he was yesterday.  He just seems like a much happier cat.  I was so mad at myself for not noticing it sooner but he's a LARGE tomcat and it's not easy to see things like that on him.  The only reason I noticed it was because there was some missing hair where the abcess had burst a little.  I'm so glad I did find it.  If I hadn't, it would've killed him.  He's now being spoiled rotten with tons of canned food.  Although, he thinks it's torture because he's locked in the nice warm bathroom, with a large eggcarton for your bed.  I think the only thing he really has to bitch about is the fact that he's getting amoxicillion every 12 hours or so. 

Me and my mom went to Wal-Mart today.  I got a pair of maternity kakis.  I figured they wouldn't fit for another month or so... wrong.  They're a little loose but they fit already.  Makes me want to go back to motherhood maternity and rub it in that sales lady's face.  She said I wouldn't be able to fit into a SMALL till I was seven months.  Well, guess what lady, I'm four months and they fit.  Hmph.  At least I know that I have something to wear at Christmas if I can't fit into my skirt.  It stretches but I don't know if that will make much of a difference in a month and a half.  Good lord, Christmas isn't that far off is it?  Oh yeah, that's something else we did today.  Me and Shawn got my mom some stuff for Christmas.  Can't tell what it is though because she gets on here and reads it.  Ha ha mom, no peaking for you!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I just found out that Ebay has maternity clothes!!  I'm not a big online shopper but I might just have to be for my maternity clothes.  Some of the people on there sell a large amount of items (10-30) and most of the orders are for under $100!!  I found one order that I want already.  I just have to bid on it in the next few hours.  Gotta wait for those who have money to get home first.  =)~  I have been looking at maternity clothes at places like Motherhood Maternity and the prices are soooo expensive.  Maternity jeans cost more than my regular jeans, for something I only be able to wear while I'm pregnant!!!  I need to start seriously looking for clothes now since I'm getting so big so fast.  By Christmas I'll be huge.  Most of the stuff on Ebay is lightly used, which just makes it cheaper.  I think after the pregnancy, I'll sell the new stuff I buy.  (not the ebay stuff, unless it's for really cheap)  Just had to share my discovery with everyone!! 

Monday, November 15, 2004

Gaining, Gaining

My head has been killing me the last few days.  It's my sinuses.  I'm told it's from all the pressure and extra blood flow going through there from the pregnancy.  It's awful.  Nothing seems to help for more than an hour.  I took two sinutab's today to try and help with it.  We went out to dinner and halfway through it, I got a migraine again.  Ick. 

I feel more and more pregnant.  My stomach feels huge.  I had to buy a bigger sized underwear today.  No one said my butt would grow!  Sheesh, what does my butt have to do with my stomach growing???  The sweatpants I bought a month ago, no longer fit real well.  I had to cut them on the sides so they would stretch a little more.  I'm going to be in maternity clothes sooner than later I think.  I KNOW I'll be in them by Christmas.  I just hate this in between time.  I don't fit into my regular clothes but I'm still too small for maternity pants.  I've gotta go get a bigger bra next week.  Another part of my body that's growing that I wish would just stop.  I'm glad to almost be to my second trimester though.  On Thursday I can officially say that I'm out of the first tri. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Made Appointments

I went to my doctor today.  I had been told before that I couldn't make my first appointment until I had confirmed my pregnancy with them.  I needed to bring in a jar with my first morning urine.  We get there with only four minutes to spare before the lab closes.  I'm sure they were pleased to have someone come in at the last minute.  I filled out a form asking the basics, when was my last period and such.  Then we waited for a bit.  She took us (us being me and my mom, Shawn wasn't able to get off work that early, plus it wasn't really important) into the back and did the test.  She came out and asked if I had taken a test at home and when I told her yes, she asked how it had come out and I told her positive.  By now I'm wondering if she's going to say that her's came out negative.  But she did say it was positive and gave me some prenatals.  I had to go up front and make some appointments.  My first appointment is an hour long on the 6th with the nurse.  I have no idea what can be talked about for an hour with the nurse.  My guess is taking an in depth history and just talking about the pregnancy.  Then I had to make another appointment with the doctor.  She told me they would rotate me through doctors and immediately said a doctor's name that isn't my regular doc.  I asked her if it wouldn't be better if I saw my usual doctor and she asked the name, I was then told that MY regular gyno doesn't DO ob!!!!!  I'm soooo mad.  She's such a great doctor and I'm so comfortable with her.  She's also the only female doctor there that is reliable.  It may sound weird to some but I prefer female gyno's, I don't really want a male doctor down THERE.  I know I'll need a pap and an examination but I DO NOT want it to be with one of the male doctors.  I'm going to ask the nurse if I can make a seperate appointment with my regular doctor for those kinds of exams.  I know my doctor previously did OB but I guess at some point and time she decided she didn't want to anymore.  Anyways, my appointment with the doctor is on the 13th.  I don't know how long it will last OR if Shawn will be able to go.  That really sucks.  I was so upset about the fact that MY doctor would no longer be my doctor that I stopped listening after that and just made an appointment for anytime.  Had I been paying attention I would have told her that I needed an appointment later in the day.  I may call back tomorrow but I don't want to end up waiting forever for an appointment. 

I stayed up relatively late for me last night... just past 11 o'clock.  I was hoping to get a glimpse at the Northern Lights.  The last time they were visible here was in '98.  Unfortunately, it was cloudy out.  I may have another chance tonight, IF the clouds clear up.  I'd really like to see it.  I think the pictures are just beautiful, I can't imagine what it would feel like to see it in real life. 

Monday, November 8, 2004

Almost to 12

Well, I'm almost out of the first trimester.  *thank you thank you*  I'm getting up twice a night because I have to pee.  I used to lay there and try my damnedest to fall back to sleep but now I've realized that I'm just wasting time and get up.  It's very frustrating, feels like I never get to really sleep.  I've tried drinking less water at night but I swear I just have to get up more when I drink less.  Make sense of that one.  I can't wait till this pregnancy is over with already.  I feel like Jennifer Aniston on friends when she was pregnant and saying Get Out Get Out Get Out.  I have to pee in a small jar and take it into my doctor's office just to prove that I'm pregnant to the state.  They say to use your first morning pee but I'd really like to get it over with today.  You think they'd know if I peed in a cup now, instead of this morning?  I should probably just wait till tomorrow.  Wouldn't want to pay for the test and get a negative.  Seems a little unlikely at 11+ weeks.  Well, time to feed the monster living inside of me.

Sunday, November 7, 2004

Sweet Boy

I don't understand why these cats find me, even though there is nothing medically I can do for them.  Last night, me and Shawn went to our friends' house Paul and Debbie.  The boys went out to work on Paul's truck and I followed them out.  There was a cat under his truck and he said it had been there for a few days.  He said that the cat won't move unless you move him.  They had the truck on, revving it up and working on it and that cat never moved.  I gave him some water and some tuna and told Shawn that I was taking him home with us when we left.  As soon as he got in the car, he curled up in the backseat and never moved.  I got him home and the deal was that he'd stay in the barn.  Well, we quickly realized how sick this poor cat was, he was trying to vomit, severly dehydrated and starving.  He would growl in pain when you picked him up.  I told Shawn that there was no way I was letting this cat die in the cold barn, if he was to die, it would be in the house.  I cleaned up a large cage for him.  He's a beautiful cat, but he was also a very sick cat.  Shawn called the emergency clinic and they told us to call animal control.  All I wanted them to do was euthanize him and end his suffering.  There was no calling animal control anyways because it was midnight by then.  We made him as comfortable as possible and hoped that when we woke up, he would've died in his sleep.  The first thing I did was go to his cage.  He was still breathing.  His gums had went very pale over night and his breath was severly labored.  Throughout the night he had been eating and drinking, so I thought maybe there was a small bit of hope.  I called the rescue and asked their opinion on what I should do.  After talking it over, they asked that I bring him there.  I figured at the very least, Jenn could take a look and tell me that she too thought he should be euthanized.  Instead, he died on the way.  I knew it too.  He had been laboring quite badly and suddenly stopped.  I knew then that he had probably died but I didn't check until I got to the shelter.  I wish I could find the people that owned this cat and make them feel what he felt in the last moments of his life.  He was alone, scared and in so much pain.  He was one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen.  I can only imagine how beautiful he would've been if he'd been healthy.  I'm just glad he's no longer suffering.  I just don't understand why.  Why he went to that truck and why I went to their house that night.  It's just frustrating when you've found this animal, sick and dying and there's not a damn thing you can do to help it.  Well, I'm going to bed now. 

Friday, November 5, 2004


Well, I slept in my bed last night for the first time in several weeks.  My original excuse was that I was having bad morning sickness.  Then I wanted to get the bedroom cleaned up before I was sleeping in it again.  Now I'm out of excuses and lacking sleep.  Shawn snored all night long (very unlike him) and then his alarm seemed to go off every five minutes for an hour.  I finally told him to turn it off.  (In that tone that says you're going to whether you like it or not)  He got huffy and went to work.  I was happy because then I was finally able to sleep.  My head is killiing me from sleeping like that most of the night.  Tonight, alarm goes off once and boy doesn't snore or I'll kick him.  I'm not going to go through this for the next six and a half months.  It's bad enough that I have to get up two times a night just to pee.

I'm getting a little more energy.  I was actually pretty annoying yesterday.  I wouldn't shut up.  You ever finally get over being sick and you haven't moved off the couch since you started feeling like crap and the first day you feel good, you have a ton of energy and MUST talk and be annoying?  LOL  I think I'm going to go take a nap.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Still Growing

I'm showing a little more now.  We took another picture on Halloween.  Still don't have the film developed though.  Have to finish out all the film first.  We didn't get even one trick or treater on Halloween.  Now we have a TON of candy.  Do you think I'm upset about that though?  LOL  My belly is getting in my way more and more when it comes to the way I would normally sit.  In a few weeks I'm going to be very limited as to how I sit.  I applied for Medicaid not that long ago.  I have an appointment on the 12th.  They want soooo much information.  They want all my paystubs from July to now.  I don't think I'm even going to be able to find one of them.  Plus, they want documentation that I was fired, but I wasn't fired.  I just hope that doesn't hurt my chances.  I quit before I was ever pregnant.  They want the usual stuff too, birth certificate, social security card.  They also want proof of pregnancy.  I don't know where I'm supposed to get that.  My doctor wants almost 100 bucks before they'll even CONFIRM I'm pregnant.  I don't even get an appointment for that.  I have to pee in a cup and bring it in, from there they'll make an appointment with me.  It's all because I don't have insurance.  If I had insurance I would've had an appointment no problem.  I don't know if going to planned parenthood and getting a pregnancy test would count.  They want a lot more information than just that.  I can't think of it all right now.  I really need to start getting everything together though.  I have to go by myself, which really sucks.  I've never had to do anything like this before. 

Everyone else has been fine since that gas leak.  We just had those two animals die.  I'm just glad we didn't lose them all. 

Anyone else out there going to vote today?  This will be my first time.  I wish I could just do it online quite frankly.  It's nasty out in Northern Indiana.  i don't think anyone really wants to go out anywhere today.  Let alone go vote.  Hopefully, there won't be a line or anything.  That way I can just make my choices and get the hell out of there.  If you're wondering, I'm voting Kerry/Edwards.  I don't like any of the canidates really but I'm trying to pick the lesser of the two evils.  Time for lunch!