Monday, May 24, 2004

Employment Woes

Not much new on the animal side of my life.  Jake's lump is gone now.  Turns out it was just a cat bite that had gotten infected.  Parakeets are still laying on eggs.  Ellie is still molting and being a terror.  Half the time she wants to be sweet and the other half of the time she just wants to bite me.  Cats are all recovering nicely from their spay/neutering.  The fosters got new hammocks last night to sleep on.  Their old one was getting pretty beat up. 

Going to fill out an application for work tomorrow.  It's at a factory.  I won't be staying there for a long time.  Just long enough to get some money saved, car fixed, insurance... etc.  I'll be making 9.50 an hour though so it's not too terrible.  I'll be working with my dad and Joe.  That'll be weird considering I don't usually talk to my dad that much. 

More drama around here.  I'm getting about sick of these immature idiots.  They chased Micky and Joe when they were on their way to my house.  Don't know what they thought they were going to accomplish but whatever.  They went home and called the cops and then called me to tell me they wouldn't be out here.  They didn't want me in the car if those guys were still around.  Well, I've got dishes to do so I'll write again when I get a chance.  I'll try and let you know how tomorrow goes, and if I hear anything back.  Keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glade to hear all the kitties are doing well. A job is a job as long as it pays the bills. I don't understand why those punks keep chasing your friends. What's wrong with them? After spending over $150 on animal food I ran out of money to have the zoo pictures developed. So hopefully I can get that done sometime Friday after Lucy my golden retriever goes to the clinic for her yearly exam. I love zoo's and I can't wait to go back so I can finish seeing all the animals. They have a big chunk of land for the elephants and the rhinos. It's the first zoo I've been to that doesn't have any tigers. Good luck with the job hunting. :) ~Krista~