Tuesday, November 18, 2003


Well, I just got off the phone with the vet's office.  Why didn't they try and tell me something I didn't already know???  Here's how the conversation went.... Office: Blah Blah Vet Clinic How can I help you? Me: Hi, I have a question, my dog was in there for a spay last Wednesday and she seems to have some swelling.  I'm not sure if it's a cause for concern or not.  It's at least the size of a golf ball. Office: Has she lost any stitches? Me: Yes, she lost 3 just yesterday.  I've been counting them everyday and she had seven up until I got home from work. Office: Sounds like she's been too active.  You should bring her in today.  I don't know if they'll replace the staples or not though. Me: Well, it's not the staples that I'm worried about, it's the swelling.  I've had dogs loose their staples before.  Office: Yes, well if she's lost her staples that could cause tearing inside.  You should definitely bring her in today. Me: Ok thank you. End of conversation.... Tell me something I didn't already know!  And how exactly am I supposed to that lady when my DH is at work with the only vehicle we own?  Hmmm, are you gonna come pick me up?  Now I have to find a way to get Mia to the vet today.  It's almost 8am and I STILL haven't been to sleep.  I'm mentally kicking myself for taking her to the nice cheap vet.  Ok, ok, so it's probably NOT the vet's fault.  *Sigh* How the HELL do you keep a border collie calm???  Someone please tell me that. And to add to my lovely morning, I think I'm getting sick.  I'm hoping my lungs are just playing a nice little trick on me and I'll wake up feeling tired but halfway healthy.  Otherwise, from the sound of those babies, I'm in for a nice run with bronchitis soon.  Don't you just love winter in Indiana?  For those of you who live in nice warm places and wish you got snow where you live, don't.  It's pretty for all of two and a half seconds and then it's just cold, wet, frozen rain drops.  Ok, I'm done ranting now.  Maybe DH will call me back soon so I can finally get some sleep!

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