Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Turkey day

Last night, I got an IM from one of my co-workers, we'll call her BDB.  The turkey has an abcess and someone should watch over him throughout the night.  I grabbed a pillow and a change of clothes and waited for my ride.  Did I happen to mention it was 2am?  I spent the night watching over little Bubby and writing bios for the shelter's website.  They had cut open his foot earlier in the day to let some of the yucky stuff drain and hopefully allow him to heal.  Morning comes after being woken a thousand times by the howling dogs, and poor Bubby has an abcess on the top of his foot as well.  So, me and let's call her Raot, decide to open up the top of his foot as well.  A very nasty, smelly chunk of puss came out of the poor babies foot.  Unfortunately, Bubby never felt the incision, not a good sign.  He should have been screaming like crazy.  We'll have to wait and see if my poor little turkey will make it through. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We rescue animals too!