Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Appointment went well

My doctor's appointment went much better than I expected.  I actually liked him more than the last doctor I had to see.  I almost feel guilty about it though because he was so awful to my friend.  He actually took the time to answer our questions, whereas the other doctor didn't give us a chance to even ask a question.  At the ultrasound last week the baby weighed 1lb 6oz and today the heart rate was 143.  He says I'm growing right on target and everything is how it should be.  My placenta has moved back to where it is supposed to be so no c-section unless something else happens.  Shawn's pushing me to decide on a name.  Well, for US to decide on a name.  It's hard to figure out HOW to do that though.  How do you know which name is the right one and even if YOU know which one, maybe the other person thinks differently.  We already decided the last name.  That was decided before I ever even got pregnant.  The doctor says that we can go to Ohio in April and not worry about anything.  My next appointment is March 21 with my regular OB.  WOOHOO.  I could've jumped up and down when the receptionist asked me if it was ok with me if I see him.  After that appointment we'll be going to the doctor every two weeks until the baby is born. 

I watched several hours of Birth Day Live last night.  Most of those labors seemed very easy to me.  I've watched a lot of women give birth on the Discovery channel and most of them were screaming bloody murder even with the epidural.  These women weren't even sweating most of the time last night. 

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