Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I'm NOT enjoying this pregnancy thing.  It's become very uncomfortable.  I feel like there's no possible way my skin can stretch any further on my stomach.  It feels like it's going to split in two.  My back hurts all the time.  It's like I'm bent over all day when all I do is sit around.  I had a charlie horse in my leg last night that lasted for about an hour.  It was still sore today.  And now we have to decide HOW to go about naming this kid and then WHAT to name it.  Men have no idea how lucky they are that they don't have to go through this. 

My brother hasn't been home for like three or four weeks straight now.  He's home to sleep and that's it.  I didn't care at first because more often than not he just pisses me off.  (I think it's just a sibling thing) but now I'm starting to get a little annoyed.  He comes home and expects me to fill him in on everything he's missed in the last few weeks when if he'd been here in the first place, he would know.  He's at his dad's apprently playing computer games.  (my dad has DSL internet, whereas we have dial up)  He wouldn't even know if this kid was a boy or a girl if I hadn't called him and told him.  Now when he comes home he acts like he's mad at me for some reason.  Oh well.  He'll eventually get bored with the game, come home and I'll wish he was at his dad's again.  We're never happy are we?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day at a time hun love ya Pop's