Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Same as usual

Nothing much new lately.  My ultrasound is next week.  I hope they can tell whether it's a boy or girl.  It would really help with buying stuff.  I want to put together my glider this week sometime.  I know it's soon but it'd just be nice to have it out of the box and it'll be one less thing to put together when I'm huge.  We have so many things left to buy, it's just ridiculous.  I'll be six months pregnant in just under two weeks.  It doesn't seem like I'm that far along.  I hope once the baby is born I lose the weight in a timely manner.  So far it's all in my stomach and chest so I don't think it'll be too much of a problem.  It'll just be getting my abs back to their normal size. 

I think the damned fish are sick again.  I swear I give them more medicine than any other animal in this house.  We've had two of those fish for over two years now.  I'd be a little annoyed if they died, especially since the one just got sliced almost in two and lived through that.  I'm going to try using aquarium salt for right now instead of medicating.  Usually if whatever they have isn't too serious, it'll fix them.  If I have to use medication, I have to turn off the filter and then the tank gets nasty.  Well, I don't really have anything else to say so I'm off for now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to be back online!   I am glad that your pregnancy is going so well!  
love, Kas