Monday, February 21, 2005

Doctor's Appointment Today

We've got a doctor's appointment today at 4:15.  It's a different doctor than I've seen before, once again.  I can't wait till I can see my regular OB again.  I have to finish going through all the other doctor's first.  If they offer to let me see my regular doctor though, I'm going to do it.  This doctor I'm seeing today was not very nice to my friend when she was miscarrying.  He made it sound like oh well, your baby is going to die.  Makes me wish I could just skip this one all together.  These doctor's appointments right now are basically just to measure my stomach, listen to the baby's heartbeat and take a weight.  It takes less than ten minutes.  We usually don't have to wait long because we try to schedule it so that we're the last appointment for the day. 

I've been a little more emotional the past week than usual.  It's probably due to lack of sleep and finally knowing what the baby is going to be.  We went out and bought a bunch of clothes and a crib this weekend.  The crib was a little pricey but it's really nice and I never have to worry about it falling apart.  And it'll still be useable when we have the next kid.  (maybe THAT one will be a girl)

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