Monday, April 18, 2005

Jail Bail

Well, we went and bailed Paul out of jail today.  He got pulled over on Friday night and he doesn't have a license.  He got it taken away for unpaid tickets in another state.  Bail was 250.  He's lucky he hadn't spent all his money already before he got pulled over.  He spent the entire weekend in county jail.  I know he was miserable but in a way, he deserved it.  It was his own fault for not paying the tickets in the first place.  Maybe now he'll start paying them off so that this doesn't happen again.  So the baby's room will have to wait till this coming weekend to get finished.  I'm really starting to get nervous about it because I don't have much more to go, June 10th is right around the corner and he could very well come before then.  Well other than that, it's been pretty uneventful around here.  I suppose I'll go find something else to munch on.

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