Thursday, April 7, 2005

Oh so Tired

I don't know how I'll get through this weekend.  I told my mom that I will NEVER go on vacation again if this is what I have to go through to get there.  I spent all day yesterday and all night (until just a few minutes ago) packing, cleaning, taking care of animals and leaving instructions around the house for Paul.  And I still have to clean the entire house, make sure all the animals have enough food, put the cats in seperate rooms, etc.  Why can't I be Mary Poppins for just one day?  My feet are killing me and I feel like I've been hit by a truck.  Like I said, I have no idea how I'll make it through the weekend.  I'd love to soak my feet in the hottest water I can stand right about now but we still have to give Cody  his medicine (which is becoming more and more difficult) and by the time that's done, I'll need to go to bed so I can get up with enough time to get everything ready.  On top of everything, I can't seem to find one of the dogs seatbelts and there's no way I'm driving all the way through Ohio without their seatbelts. 

Yesterday (Wednesday), I was outside filling up a water trough for the dogs to drink out of and swim in, when a truck pulled into my driveway.  I started to come out of the fence but then thought better of it when I didn't recognize the man coming towards me.  He seemed threatening and I was alone besides the non-guard dogs.  He assumed that Shawn was racing up and down his road in the middle of the night because our car is silver and the car doing it was silver.  (impossible because Shawn works third shift and was at work when the incident happened) He then accused me of doing it.  I told him, I never leave the house that late, especially not alone.  All the while I am being as polite as I can stand.  (I really wanted to take the rake in my hand over his head and call the police) He continued to badger me for several minutes about whether or not we drive down his road.  I eventually took a few steps away from the fence (I think it was fear mode kicking in at that point) and he was able to see that I'm VERY pregnant.  He then backed off and left.  Not without warning me that there would be trouble if I didn't stay off his road.  I finished filling the water and went inside to wake Shawn.  I was a little grouchy with him but I think I was more mad at myself for being so intimidated by that guy.  If someone had been there with me and I hadn't been alone I would've told him off once he started acting that way.  As it was though, I only had the knucklehead dogs to protect me, they ran off to play while a strange man was standing there.  The dogs that would usually attack a stranger were in the house unfortunately.  After me and Shawn went into town, I had him stop by our neighbors house.  (they live right next door to the guy that was at my house) and told them what had happened.  He had stopped by their house after leaving mine and told them what a big man he was and they told him that he was wrong about us.  I just hope that's enough to make him not come back.  I made sure to mention to both of them that I had been extremely intimidated and uncomfortable.  I think most women would when a large strange man comes to your house and is immediately in your face.  They told me he's actually a rather nice man on normal occasions but that his young daughter just died and his wife is very nervous about losing her other children.  (I'm assuming their daughters death was someone connected to a vehicle)  I understand that he's grieving his child and doesn't want to lose another one but that doesn't give him any right to come down to my home and assume that we were racing up and down his road.  At any rate, I'm sure my friends will have said something to him and maybe that will be the end of it.  I probably won't write again until Monday.  We get back Sunday but I'm pretty sure I'll be exhausted by then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You might want to call the police. No one has the right to threaten you, as I just learned...