Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Nothing to tell

Nothing new going on.  It's a wait and see with Cody.  Can't do anything new to the nursery till we get back from vacation.  Takoda is still the same but is eating canned dog food heartily and I've started her on antibiotics. 

We've decided to have Paul house sit for us while we're gone.  After a recent phone call, I decided I'd feel more comfortable leaving if I knew there'd be someone here all weekend.  I won't even bother to go into that, it's not worth my time.  I've come to realize that I'm much more laid back than I was pre-pregnancy.  Normally, I would've thrown a fit if I'd gotten a shitty phone call from someone (especially when there's no reason behind the phone call) but I could've cared less.  It's funny, I'm supposed to become more high strung during pregnancy, not less.  At any rate, we're going to pick Paul up on Thursday and leave him the keys to our truck since his truck guzzles gas.  This way if he needs/wants to go somewhere, he doesn't have to use half a tank getting to town.  Plus, I like knowing the animals have someone here in case anything else happens.  Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well and I come home to the same amount of animals that were here when I left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am laid back when pregnant...just wait until you get those wonderful nursing hormones...it is like taking a Valium...prolactin is GREAT!!