Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Whole Story

Ok, I figure I'd better get this story on here now otherwise I may never get around to it.  I went into labor on June 9th around 1pm.  It started off as a backache and irregular contractions.  I called the doctor to let them know and they told me it was early labor and made it seem like I wouldn't go into real labor for a day or so.  I started having regular contractions around 5pm, at about 20 minutes apart.  I told Shawn to go ahead and go into work because I thought it would be a long time before I had to go to the hospital.  Around 8pm, I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart and running a fever so my mom called the doctor for me and he told me to drink two large glasses of water and lay down for a while but if my contractions got closer together he wanted me to come in.  Right after we talked to the doctor, Shawn called to see how I was doing and even though I told him he didn't have to come home yet, he decided to anyways, which ended up being the right decision because we left for the hospital around 9pm.  When we got there I was 3cm dilated so they admited me and put me in a birthing room.  Initially, I didn't have a fever at the hospital so they weren't too concerned about it.  After I got into the birthing room, I was begging for the epidural but they wouldn't give it to me till I was closer to 5cm and I got a shot of some pain killer instead which almost immediately kicked in and made me loopy.  Every once and a while they gave me another shot till I was almost at 5cm.  They called the anesthesiologist for me after that and gave me another shot to relax me.  (I was freaking out about having to sit up through contractions AND have a huge needle stuck in my back) The anesthesiologist wasn't very nice at all.  He was very rough and had no bedside manner at all but the procedure only took a few minutes.  After he left I was still having pain so my nurse called in another anesthesiologist from home because the other guy was busy.  By the time he got there I wasn't in pain anymore but he gave me more of the epidural anyways.  I slept for a long time after that.  I was woken up by my nurse because the baby's heartrate kept dropping so she kept repostioning me.  I woke up for the last time at 6am to my OB-GYN came in.  The baby's heart rate was going really high and I was at 10cm.  He noticed then that my water had an odor to it and that meant I had an infection.  (hence the fever) He told me we had to get the baby out as soon as possible so they gave me some pitocin to make my contractions more regular and speed up the process.  I pushed for an hour before she was born.  When they said it's a girl, I looked at Shawn and thought he was going to be sick.  They immediately took her away from me and started trying to get my placenta out.  The cord had been wrapped very loosely around her neck.  Her apgar score was 9/9.  It wasn't coming out though so they really had to work on it.  After they got it out, my uterus stopped contracting and I just continued bleeding.  I bled for 45 minutes before they could get it to contract and stop bleeding.  I guess everyone was pretty worried.  I was out of it because of all the drugs they kept pumping into me for pain and to stop the bleeding.  I didn't need an episiotomy but I did tear a bit so they started stitching me and that's about the time I decided to throw up.  Apparently one of the drugs they had to give me to stop the bleeding causes nausea.  I don't remember a whole lot after that.  I know I got to hold her for a few minutes and then I would wake up once and a while when this awful nurse was trying to move me.  (she wasn't my nurse for my labor) I didn't wake up again until 1pm on June 10th.  I was only asleep for about 5 hours after she was born.  I was hooked up to IV antibiotics for a day and a half.  When they released me they put me on antibiotics for the infection and after I took my  last pill of the antibiotics, I started getting hives.  So now I know another antibiotic that I'm allergic to.  The first few days home were pretty awful.  I cried a LOT and didn't really want much to do with her until all that passed and now she hardly leaves my side.  Today I started getting a fever again and was having pain in one of my boobs with swelling and redness so I called the doctor's office.  I have yet another infection so I'm back on antibiotics.  It seems like my list of problems is never going to end.  Well, that's the story.  I still haven't put any of the pictures on the computer but I promise to do it soon.

Sunday, June 19, 2005


I went into labor last Thursday (the 9th) and (so all that wasn't false labor) but I started getting a fever so we called the doctor and went into the hospital around 10pm.  I was in labor till 7:06.  It turns out the ultrasound tech was wrong, IT'S A GIRL.  She was born on her due date, June 10th. (which is rare for a baby to actually be born on her due date)  After two days we finally named her, Jasmine Kayla.  She was 6lbs. 8oz., 19 1/2 inches long.  After she was born, they found that I had an infection in my uterine lining and it caused my uterus not to contract properly.  I was bleeding for 45 minutes before they could finally get it to stop.  I was on IV antibiotics for days and then I had to take a week of oral antibiotics.  I pushed for an hour before she was born.  She had the cord wrapped around her neck but it wasn't tight so she didn't have any problems from that.  I'm going to post pictures soon but for obvious reasons I don't have a lot of time to do anything right now.  As soon as I have time I'll also write about the labor and delivery when I'm feeling up to it.  I've been pretty exhausted since due to everything that happened after the delivery so today is the first time I've even gotten on the computer.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Still pregnant, still lazy

Well, it's almost eight hours after my exam and I'm still bleeding and cramping.  I don't know if that's normal or not.  I'm going to wait till morning and then call the office if I'm still bleeding.  I've had so many internals and never once bled so it's weird that all of sudden I start now. 

I was starting to get restless and grouchy tonight so me and my mom took a trip to Meijer.  More to get out of the house than really needing anything.  I asked her if she'd like to come with me and when she seemed reluctant, I told her she didn't have to.   All the while in my head I was saying 'please please come with me.'  I was in a weird mood.  I'm glad she decided to tag along.  I might have started balling if she'd said no just because I was so emotional at the time.  I bought a pint of ice cream, came home, ate half of it and feel better now.  Anyone calls my doctor and tells him that and I'll make you regret it.  *grin*  I STILL have not packed my hospital bag.  Yes, I am lazy.  For whatever reason, it's only when it comes to that damned bag.  In the last few weeks, I've been more active than usual; painting the nursery, putting baby stuff together, baby clothes folded, etc.  I just can't seem to get up the enthusiasm when it comes to that bag.  *sigh* It's the one thing I have left to do.  I'd feel so much better if I just did it.  How many of you believe it's going to get packed tonight?  If you think by morning I'll have everything together, you're more gullible than I am. 

My opinion on the Alligator

I don't understand why the officer really felt the need to end this animals life.  Granted, it could've been a threat to people had it not been caught but they made one attempt at the capture of the alligator and then decided to kill it.  He/She never asked to be kept as someone's pet and then dumped into the St. Joe.  I'm sure he/she would've much prefered to be in the Florida Everglades or even a nice zoo.  I know many zoo's that would've been more than willing to make a home for the gator and yet no attempt was made.  I used to think that the DNR was here to protect wildlife and all that inhabits it but the more I find out about them, the more I find that to be untrue.  If you call DNR about a baby deer, they will come out and shoot it.  They don't make any attempt to put it into one of the many parks because we're over populated with deer.  Well, honestly, who's fault is that?  We chased away their predators so they're free to mate with their only adversary being cars and people.  The same goes for just about any wild animal they deem over populated; raccoons, possum.  Who knows what animals are next on their list.  I know the DNR does many good things but right now, in my opinion the bad outweigh the good.  That gator didn't ask to die, didn't ask to have some idiot keep it as a pet only to set it free.  She/he deserved the chance at a full life and was denied it. 

An Alligator in the Saint Joe River Part 2

South Bend, IN - About a week and a half ago an alligator was spotted in the St. Joseph River in South Bend. Now comes word that the gator has been eliminated.  

A conservation officer with the Department of Natural Resources shot and killed the alligator on Sunday.  

That came as a disappointment to one of the canoeists who first spotted and photographed the gator on May 27th. He had hoped the gator could be captured alive,  

That was not the case as the officer was not able to get close enough to attempt a capture, but that he did get a good enough look to eliminate the reptile.  

DNR biologist Rod Edgell said, “It wasn't a concern ecologically. The only concern we had was that somebody might try to capture the animal, or something like that, and actually end up hurting themselves.”  

The gator was about two and a half feet long, between two and three-years-old. It was probably someone's pet and was dumped there when it became too hard to handle.

An Alligator in Saint Joe River

St. Joseph County, IN - An alligator on the St. Joseph River sounds rather hard to believe, but some Penn High School teachers have proof.  

Five Penn High teachers and two of their sons took a canoe trip last Friday. They had no idea that along a stretch of the St. Joseph River they'd make an amazing discovery.  

They saw an alligator sunning itself along the banks of the river, something you don't see too often.  

Penn biology teacher John Kovatch even tried to capture the reptile. “I was going to throw it in Mel's boat,” joked Kovatch.  

As for what will happen to the alligator, DNR biologist Rod Edgell said, “Odds are somebody's going to catch it or it's just going to live there peacefully until the winter comes and then it'll probably pass."

Edgell says from the looks of the alligator it's a juvenile, about one or two years old and about two or three feet long.  

A couple of the teachers have gone back to try and find the reptile, but with no luck.  

Still the same

My doctor didn't strip my membranes today.  He didn't say why and I didn't ask.  I was happy to leave without having that done.  He did do a pelvic exam as well as an internal exam.  I came home to find that I was bleeding.  Hopefully that will go away in a little while.  It's probably just from the exams, although this is the first time I've bled.  I go back in a week for a nonstress test to make sure that that baby is ok.  That's supposed to take a little over a half an hour.  That's assuming I don't go into labor before then.  He said I'm 70% effaced, 1cm dilated and at -2 station.  (0 station is when the baby is in the pelvis and 1-4 is during labor) I'm going to try using my rocking chair some more tonight.  I figure it got me to dilate a little, maybe it'll get me to labor.  I really don't want to be induced.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

No progression

Well, I'm 3 days from my due date and still there seems to be no end in sight.  I'm just as pregnant today as I was yesterday and the day before.  We have our final doctor's appointment tomorrow and will have my membranes stripped in hopes of getting my labor started.  I am obviously not looking forward to this very painful appointment.  I've been told that if I have to give birth, I should be able to deal with having them stripped.  I feel that no pain is fun and just because I will HAVE to give birth (unless c-section is required) doesn't mean I should look forward to this appointment.  If this doesn't cause my labor then I will be induced next week sometime.  We'll find out more about that tomorrow.  I would prefer to have my labor start naturally as I am terrified of needles and the pitocin is given through IV.  I can handle the IV if I'm already in a lot of pain, otherwise, no thank you.  It would be hell to get me to the hospital if I already know I have to get stuck.  A ridiculous thing to fear to most people but I can't help it. 

We moved the couch and loveseat into the nursery yesterday and after moving the baby stuff several (SEVERAL) times, I was finally satisfied with how it ended up looking.  It's cramped but I'm not looking to win any design awards on this one.  Now I have no reason to put off packing my bag for the hospital.  No more excuses, except for laziness.  Well, I'm off to blow dry my hair and try to find something productive to do besides sleeping.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

Nursery DONE!!!!!!

Ok, so the other day, I went a little overboard with how upset I was at Shawn.  I didn't take it out on him though.  I wrote in my journal instead, felt better and got over it.  Good thing too because looking back on it, I was a little emotional about everything.  Me, Shawn, Paul and my mom all went to Lowe's to get some paint for the living room and some more rollers for the painting in the baby's room.  On the way home, one of the shocks in the jeep went out so when we got home, the boys started messing with the car.  After Paul left, me and Shawn went to get something to eat and then went and bought me a hammock.  Something I've wanted for as long as I can remember.  When we got home, we relaxed for about an hour before getting started on the nursery again.  We busted our butts and got most of the painting done on Saturday night and finished it up on Sunday.  It's VERY yellow.  Imagine the sun in a 12x17 room.  It's bright.  Everything else in the room (lamps, blinds, etc) is navy blue though so it all contrasts nicely.  On Sunday, Shawn and my mom put the crib together while I put together the swing.  I forgot how gorgeous that crib was.  I'm so glad we spent the extra money on it.  It converts to a day bed and a twin so he can use it till he moves out.  =)~ When Shawn left for work, me and my mom put together the play yard and then started moving furniture around in the nursery.  I'm going to end up moving everything around again because everything isn't going to fit the way it is now, at least not without looking cramped.  We're going to use half of the room as a nursery and half as a "family" room.  Basically, we're going to have a couch and loveseat on one side of the room with a tv and the other side will have all the baby stuff on it.  I won't know exactly how I want everything till Shawn moves the couch and loveseat in there tomorrow.  We're also getting directv in the baby's room on Tuesday.  We already have it downstairs so it didn't cost much to get another box upstairs.  I'm really trying hard not to go back into that room and start rearranging things again.  I've been working in that room from 6pm till 12am.  (a lot of the time I was sitting on the floor folding clothes so I wasn't on my feet the entire time)  I need to start thinking about going to sleep, and not trying to decide the best way an outfit looks folded.  It's probably a good thing this room wasn't done months ago, I never would've stopped messing with everything.  Well, I'm going to try and read some of my Koontz book and then get some sleep.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Grrr.... Grrrr... GRRRRR

I'm so annoyed with Shawn today.  It's just one of those days.  Yesterday, I had to go to the OB's office suddenly.  After Wednesday I had started leaking quite a bit of fluid so when it hadn't stopped by Friday, I called and they had me come in immediately.  After a WHOLE bunch of tests, they determined that my water hadn't broken and that I was free to go home.  Shawn says better safe than sorry but it's not his balls being put into a vice either.  While we were AT the OB's office, he had his cell phone and it starts RINGING.  He turns it off, only to turn it back on when we're sitting down to call Paul back and explain to him why he hung up on him.  We thought I was going into frickin' labor and he's calling Paul to apologize.  GRRRRRR.  Today, he was supposed to go pay the Jeep payment.  Well, he did that HOURS ago and still has yet to return because he had to MEET Paul at the cell phone place to "help" him pay his cell phone bill.  When I asked why Paul couldn't pay his bill by himself he just said I'm just gonna meet him.  Then I try AND try to call him and the phone just rings.  He went to get something to eat and left his damned phone in the car.  Do you have any idea how many times he's left it in the car when he's with me?  NEVER.  Not even once.  Apparently, it's only life and death if I'm with him.  Nevermind that I could go into labor at any time.  Well, he's home so now I'm going to go.

Thursday, June 2, 2005


I found out today that my doctor was actually trying to strip my membranes.  I don't know if he was able to before I told him to stop.  It could've started my labor within hours had he been successful.  I was told that if I haven't had the baby by next week's appointment, that they'll try again.  As long as we get paint on the nursery walls, I'll go ahead and let them.  I might let them anyways just because I don't want to have to be induced in two weeks.  I've had an upset stomach since last night.  I don't if that's from my exam or just from being pregnant.  Maybe a little of both.

Looks like it's going to be rainy here for a few days.  We really need it and it'll be easier to keep Shawn busy on the room if he can't play with his cars outside.  Tomorrow, his friend is supposed to come and pick up a bedframe that we have.  (we'll see if it actually happens or not) It's in the nursery and it's either getting burned or he can have it but it needs to go now. 

I really need to pack MY hospital bag.  I have everything the baby needs ready to go but nothing for myself.  I don't even know where most of the stuff I want is, except for my robe and slippers.  I'm sure it won't get packed until I actually go into labor, just to give myself something to do.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Grandma tries to jumpstart labor

My doctor's appointment went good today.  We're still 1cm but thinned out almost completely now.  He was going to try to dialate me more until I quickly said no.  (it hurt like hell)  I asked how long they'll wait till they induce (thinking it would be two weeks after my due date) and apparently they only wait till one week after your due.  So no matter what happens, there will be a baby in approximately two weeks.  Shawn looked like he was going to vomit.  Men are funny.  These things aren't "real" to them till it's almost ready to happen.  He frequently looks like he's going to be ill now.  For months he's been saying he can't wait and now it's here and I think he could wait another month or so to get used to the idea.  He told me today that he'd rather I had a c-section.  I just don't think he likes the idea of seeing me in that much pain.  I told him that as long as I could avoid that, I would so he was out of luck and would just have to be a big boy.  Men could never have babies.  The human race would go extinct if we depended on them for labor and delivery.  We have another appointment in exactly a week as long as we don't go into labor before then.  I swear that's what my doctor was aiming for today.  (he's on call at the hospital tonight)

My grandma about gave me a heartattack last night.  She's usually in bed by around 7pm.  She called at 9pm.  I immediately thought there was something wrong with someone because there was no way she'd be awake that late, let alone call us that late.  I asked her why she was up so late and she was very slow about telling me.  It went something like this;  Well  *long pause* Your grandpa *long pause* he fell a few days ago *another long pause* and we just got back from the doctor's office *pause* they took some xrays *pause* and he broke his collar bone.  Whooooooosh.  That was the air being let out of my lungs from holding my breath.  I felt sick to my stomach for two hours after that.  I thought for sure she was going to say someone died or that my grandpa's cancer was back and that was what they found on the xray.  He's a stubborn old man.  He fell days ago and didn't go have it xrayed till last night.