Sunday, June 5, 2005

Nursery DONE!!!!!!

Ok, so the other day, I went a little overboard with how upset I was at Shawn.  I didn't take it out on him though.  I wrote in my journal instead, felt better and got over it.  Good thing too because looking back on it, I was a little emotional about everything.  Me, Shawn, Paul and my mom all went to Lowe's to get some paint for the living room and some more rollers for the painting in the baby's room.  On the way home, one of the shocks in the jeep went out so when we got home, the boys started messing with the car.  After Paul left, me and Shawn went to get something to eat and then went and bought me a hammock.  Something I've wanted for as long as I can remember.  When we got home, we relaxed for about an hour before getting started on the nursery again.  We busted our butts and got most of the painting done on Saturday night and finished it up on Sunday.  It's VERY yellow.  Imagine the sun in a 12x17 room.  It's bright.  Everything else in the room (lamps, blinds, etc) is navy blue though so it all contrasts nicely.  On Sunday, Shawn and my mom put the crib together while I put together the swing.  I forgot how gorgeous that crib was.  I'm so glad we spent the extra money on it.  It converts to a day bed and a twin so he can use it till he moves out.  =)~ When Shawn left for work, me and my mom put together the play yard and then started moving furniture around in the nursery.  I'm going to end up moving everything around again because everything isn't going to fit the way it is now, at least not without looking cramped.  We're going to use half of the room as a nursery and half as a "family" room.  Basically, we're going to have a couch and loveseat on one side of the room with a tv and the other side will have all the baby stuff on it.  I won't know exactly how I want everything till Shawn moves the couch and loveseat in there tomorrow.  We're also getting directv in the baby's room on Tuesday.  We already have it downstairs so it didn't cost much to get another box upstairs.  I'm really trying hard not to go back into that room and start rearranging things again.  I've been working in that room from 6pm till 12am.  (a lot of the time I was sitting on the floor folding clothes so I wasn't on my feet the entire time)  I need to start thinking about going to sleep, and not trying to decide the best way an outfit looks folded.  It's probably a good thing this room wasn't done months ago, I never would've stopped messing with everything.  Well, I'm going to try and read some of my Koontz book and then get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

It won't be long now!

Anonymous said...

It won't be long now!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are in the "nesting" stage, since you're so busy fiddlin' around with the baby's room and clothes, etc.  Should be anytime!  Lisa