Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Still pregnant, still lazy

Well, it's almost eight hours after my exam and I'm still bleeding and cramping.  I don't know if that's normal or not.  I'm going to wait till morning and then call the office if I'm still bleeding.  I've had so many internals and never once bled so it's weird that all of sudden I start now. 

I was starting to get restless and grouchy tonight so me and my mom took a trip to Meijer.  More to get out of the house than really needing anything.  I asked her if she'd like to come with me and when she seemed reluctant, I told her she didn't have to.   All the while in my head I was saying 'please please come with me.'  I was in a weird mood.  I'm glad she decided to tag along.  I might have started balling if she'd said no just because I was so emotional at the time.  I bought a pint of ice cream, came home, ate half of it and feel better now.  Anyone calls my doctor and tells him that and I'll make you regret it.  *grin*  I STILL have not packed my hospital bag.  Yes, I am lazy.  For whatever reason, it's only when it comes to that damned bag.  In the last few weeks, I've been more active than usual; painting the nursery, putting baby stuff together, baby clothes folded, etc.  I just can't seem to get up the enthusiasm when it comes to that bag.  *sigh* It's the one thing I have left to do.  I'd feel so much better if I just did it.  How many of you believe it's going to get packed tonight?  If you think by morning I'll have everything together, you're more gullible than I am. 


Anonymous said...

It is normal to spot after an internal exam this far along.

It is not normal if it is pouring out of you, like a gush.

If you bleed and cramp and pass a mucus mass, then you are in labor.

love, Kas

Anonymous said...

Jamie...Since you haven't written for a few days, I am assuming that you have brought the world a special new life!  I hope all is well........Lisa

Anonymous said...

I bet you went into labor!  I thought you might be, when you said that you felt restless.  That is one of the big signs of being in labor!

Let us know how it went when you have time. I have a new son, too!