Wednesday, June 8, 2005

My opinion on the Alligator

I don't understand why the officer really felt the need to end this animals life.  Granted, it could've been a threat to people had it not been caught but they made one attempt at the capture of the alligator and then decided to kill it.  He/She never asked to be kept as someone's pet and then dumped into the St. Joe.  I'm sure he/she would've much prefered to be in the Florida Everglades or even a nice zoo.  I know many zoo's that would've been more than willing to make a home for the gator and yet no attempt was made.  I used to think that the DNR was here to protect wildlife and all that inhabits it but the more I find out about them, the more I find that to be untrue.  If you call DNR about a baby deer, they will come out and shoot it.  They don't make any attempt to put it into one of the many parks because we're over populated with deer.  Well, honestly, who's fault is that?  We chased away their predators so they're free to mate with their only adversary being cars and people.  The same goes for just about any wild animal they deem over populated; raccoons, possum.  Who knows what animals are next on their list.  I know the DNR does many good things but right now, in my opinion the bad outweigh the good.  That gator didn't ask to die, didn't ask to have some idiot keep it as a pet only to set it free.  She/he deserved the chance at a full life and was denied it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've learned not to call them about any wildlife. They are the enemy, in a way.