Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Still the same

My doctor didn't strip my membranes today.  He didn't say why and I didn't ask.  I was happy to leave without having that done.  He did do a pelvic exam as well as an internal exam.  I came home to find that I was bleeding.  Hopefully that will go away in a little while.  It's probably just from the exams, although this is the first time I've bled.  I go back in a week for a nonstress test to make sure that that baby is ok.  That's supposed to take a little over a half an hour.  That's assuming I don't go into labor before then.  He said I'm 70% effaced, 1cm dilated and at -2 station.  (0 station is when the baby is in the pelvis and 1-4 is during labor) I'm going to try using my rocking chair some more tonight.  I figure it got me to dilate a little, maybe it'll get me to labor.  I really don't want to be induced.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to be induced.  It's just kind of exciting to let nature run its course and be surprised when it FINALLY happens.  Of course, your doctor will know what's best.   When we raised Collies, I remember many a mother (bitch) getting the pitocin shots when things slowed down and I myself had it with my first baby after labor stopped and it gets pretty busy in there!  Who may be nice to get it over quickly.  Best wishes for a calm, and joyful birth of your new addition!  Lisa