Monday, June 27, 2005

The Whole Story

Ok, I figure I'd better get this story on here now otherwise I may never get around to it.  I went into labor on June 9th around 1pm.  It started off as a backache and irregular contractions.  I called the doctor to let them know and they told me it was early labor and made it seem like I wouldn't go into real labor for a day or so.  I started having regular contractions around 5pm, at about 20 minutes apart.  I told Shawn to go ahead and go into work because I thought it would be a long time before I had to go to the hospital.  Around 8pm, I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart and running a fever so my mom called the doctor for me and he told me to drink two large glasses of water and lay down for a while but if my contractions got closer together he wanted me to come in.  Right after we talked to the doctor, Shawn called to see how I was doing and even though I told him he didn't have to come home yet, he decided to anyways, which ended up being the right decision because we left for the hospital around 9pm.  When we got there I was 3cm dilated so they admited me and put me in a birthing room.  Initially, I didn't have a fever at the hospital so they weren't too concerned about it.  After I got into the birthing room, I was begging for the epidural but they wouldn't give it to me till I was closer to 5cm and I got a shot of some pain killer instead which almost immediately kicked in and made me loopy.  Every once and a while they gave me another shot till I was almost at 5cm.  They called the anesthesiologist for me after that and gave me another shot to relax me.  (I was freaking out about having to sit up through contractions AND have a huge needle stuck in my back) The anesthesiologist wasn't very nice at all.  He was very rough and had no bedside manner at all but the procedure only took a few minutes.  After he left I was still having pain so my nurse called in another anesthesiologist from home because the other guy was busy.  By the time he got there I wasn't in pain anymore but he gave me more of the epidural anyways.  I slept for a long time after that.  I was woken up by my nurse because the baby's heartrate kept dropping so she kept repostioning me.  I woke up for the last time at 6am to my OB-GYN came in.  The baby's heart rate was going really high and I was at 10cm.  He noticed then that my water had an odor to it and that meant I had an infection.  (hence the fever) He told me we had to get the baby out as soon as possible so they gave me some pitocin to make my contractions more regular and speed up the process.  I pushed for an hour before she was born.  When they said it's a girl, I looked at Shawn and thought he was going to be sick.  They immediately took her away from me and started trying to get my placenta out.  The cord had been wrapped very loosely around her neck.  Her apgar score was 9/9.  It wasn't coming out though so they really had to work on it.  After they got it out, my uterus stopped contracting and I just continued bleeding.  I bled for 45 minutes before they could get it to contract and stop bleeding.  I guess everyone was pretty worried.  I was out of it because of all the drugs they kept pumping into me for pain and to stop the bleeding.  I didn't need an episiotomy but I did tear a bit so they started stitching me and that's about the time I decided to throw up.  Apparently one of the drugs they had to give me to stop the bleeding causes nausea.  I don't remember a whole lot after that.  I know I got to hold her for a few minutes and then I would wake up once and a while when this awful nurse was trying to move me.  (she wasn't my nurse for my labor) I didn't wake up again until 1pm on June 10th.  I was only asleep for about 5 hours after she was born.  I was hooked up to IV antibiotics for a day and a half.  When they released me they put me on antibiotics for the infection and after I took my  last pill of the antibiotics, I started getting hives.  So now I know another antibiotic that I'm allergic to.  The first few days home were pretty awful.  I cried a LOT and didn't really want much to do with her until all that passed and now she hardly leaves my side.  Today I started getting a fever again and was having pain in one of my boobs with swelling and redness so I called the doctor's office.  I have yet another infection so I'm back on antibiotics.  It seems like my list of problems is never going to end.  Well, that's the story.  I still haven't put any of the pictures on the computer but I promise to do it soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling much better now and that you and your beautiful new child are bonding wonderfully!  She's precious!  And, for someone who's just had a baby you look great!  Lisa