Saturday, June 4, 2005

Grrr.... Grrrr... GRRRRR

I'm so annoyed with Shawn today.  It's just one of those days.  Yesterday, I had to go to the OB's office suddenly.  After Wednesday I had started leaking quite a bit of fluid so when it hadn't stopped by Friday, I called and they had me come in immediately.  After a WHOLE bunch of tests, they determined that my water hadn't broken and that I was free to go home.  Shawn says better safe than sorry but it's not his balls being put into a vice either.  While we were AT the OB's office, he had his cell phone and it starts RINGING.  He turns it off, only to turn it back on when we're sitting down to call Paul back and explain to him why he hung up on him.  We thought I was going into frickin' labor and he's calling Paul to apologize.  GRRRRRR.  Today, he was supposed to go pay the Jeep payment.  Well, he did that HOURS ago and still has yet to return because he had to MEET Paul at the cell phone place to "help" him pay his cell phone bill.  When I asked why Paul couldn't pay his bill by himself he just said I'm just gonna meet him.  Then I try AND try to call him and the phone just rings.  He went to get something to eat and left his damned phone in the car.  Do you have any idea how many times he's left it in the car when he's with me?  NEVER.  Not even once.  Apparently, it's only life and death if I'm with him.  Nevermind that I could go into labor at any time.  Well, he's home so now I'm going to go.

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