Monday, May 2, 2005

Doctor's Appointment Today

We had a doctor's appointment today, finally.  Two weeks is a long time to wait when you're worrying that there's something wrong.  They did the group B strep test.  I was NOT warned ahead of time that this was the appointment that they'd be doing this test.  It would've been nice to know though, rather than walking into the room and being told to strip from the waist down.  After explaining to the doctor all the symptoms I've been having, he decided to do an internal exam to check for dialation.  There's been no dialation thankfully.  It was VERY painful.  I dread the last few weeks of pregnancy because I'll have one internal exam done weekly till he decides to be born.  Doc also put me on a prescription for the nausea.  He thinks I have morning sickness... again.  It's being made more severe due to the acid reflux that I have.  (I take pepcid for that)  I'm taking half a tablet of Phenergan at night.  It's supposed to make me sleepy.  Maybe it'll get me past that hour of tossing and turning due to the restless leg syndrome.  (something I had pre-pregnancy but never knew there was a name for it till I got pregnant and read it in one of my books)  He told me that my glucola test came back borderline.  They didn't seem to think I needed to go back for more testing though.  Just that I should cut back on my sweets and pasta.  (basically the ONLY things I eat on a regular basis... I had a candy bar for breakfast today and lasagne for dinner) I guess that means no more sour gummy worms for a while.  (my latest candy obsession) Well, I'm going to go get comfy and watch tv till it's time for bed. 

Also, baby has dropped and is in the head down position.  No breech baby here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news!!!  Head down is very good.  I am happy!