Friday, May 13, 2005

Nothing new

I recently recieved a book in the mail from my aunt.  It's a memoir about this woman's first year with her newborn son.  It's terrifying.  It's a great book, very funny but all the while terrifying.  There's many nights when she's been sitting with her son and he's been crying for well over four hours.  FOUR HOURS?!  I think I'll go insane.  I don't know if I could face that every single night.  I surely hope I don't have a colicky baby.  (please, please, please) I know I'll be one of those mother's that has awful thoughts about hating her newborn.  How can any sane person not think those things after four hours of constant crying?  My mom seems to have taken having a newborn in stride, either that or she's lying.  I hope she's lying, otherwise, my mom really is superwoman.  I keep telling myself it'll be fine.  I have a huge support network around me, especially since we live with my mom.  I've got Shawn, his mom and many other relatives that would be willing to help if asked.  I guess it's every woman's hope that she won't HAVE to ask.  I know there's days right now that I wish I would just go into labor but I think if I did, I'd try shoving him back in before the doctor knew what I was doing.  There's nights NOW before he's even born that I think what the hell am I doing?  Last night I was in terrible pain for several hours and it was HIS fault.  I couldn't help but think that when he gets the flu for the first time that I would secretly smile because I feel after all this, he almost deserves it.  Maybe if he was a girl, I wouldn't think that so much.  I'd get to look forward to the pains SHE would go through during pregnancy.  I think that would subdue my evil thoughts for a while but with a boy, he never has to deal with that.  If he ever gets a girl pregnant, he gets to sit back and relax at least until the baby is born.  I think that's a bunch of crap.  The girl should have to be pregnant for so many months and then she can pass the baby off onto the man and he can be pregnant for a while.  That seems fair to me.  Hell, I'd even volunteer womankind for the labor process. 

We've had threats of bad weather all day.  With seven dogs, it's not easy to keep them all inside and have things go SMOOTHLY.  Since Snoopy, our 85lb lab mix, is so terrified of thunderstorms, I decided to let everyone in.  Snoopy is also a world class pain in the ass.  He climbs onto the tables when no one is looking, jumps on the counters and steals whatever food may be availible.  We have a crate that is large enough for him but we've never trained him in it.  Today I decided to start.  I had too much stuff to do to sit around and babysit the dog.  Imagine, a VERY pregnant me trying to shove this VERY stubborn dog into this crate.  I'm sure it was very amusing.  Thankfully, the only witnesses were the other dogs.  He whined until I gave him a treat, now he's sleeping.  I'm afraid to actually leave the house though in case he tries to escape.  Thankfully, the other dogs have enough sense to let him alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never had a child scream for four hours.  Fifteen minutes is tops, I think. Breastfeeding really helps. and holding the baby much of the time reduces crying by something like seventy percent, a recent study shows.  Hold your baby as much as possible.  He will cry a lot less.