Tuesday, May 24, 2005

It looks like the pictures are going to have to wait till at least tomorrow.  I didn't get a chance to upload them all today.  For the past few hours I've been sitting on the footstool part of my rocker, hoping to start my labor.  (I don't want to go to the OB Thursday... I'll be getting another internal) I was told that rocking motions can help get the baby's head lower.  It's the same as using a birthing ball.  (yoga ball) Not much new in the last 24 hours.  We took the Jeep to get some things fixed on it that the place agreed to fix before we bought it.  Shawn had to go pick it up today.  We also had them do the brakes just because Shawn didn't feel like doing them right now.  He usually does all the work to his cars unless he feels lazy.  Well, I'm making cupcakes right now so I'd better get back to them otherwise one of the animals will get to them first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't start it early.  Hang in there!!  It will be over soon. These last few days are so precious.