Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Another boring one

I got up early today, thinking I had a doctor's appointment.  I must be having a lot of blonde moments lately.  My doctor's appointment is tomorrow.  I reminded Shawn that we had an appointment today a good ten times, only to wake him up this afternoon and tell him I was wrong, again.  So tomorrow we'll get to see if there's been any more changes.  I'm seeing a different doctor than I have for my previous internals, hopefully it'll be a little less painful.  I can't believe there's only ten days left till my due date.  Just seems crazy to me that it's already been that long.  Everytime I get any ache or new pain, I think uh-oh this is it.  So far I've been wrong about that too.

We got the primer paint on the walls this weekend.  Now we have to clean the room out and paint everything.  It's going to be REALLY yellow.  We won't have the nursery blankets and stuff for a while though.  I had to order it online last week and it said it could take up to eight weeks to deliver.  I'm not worried about that though.  He can't use the blankets or even the bumper till he's at least six months old.  Before then there's too big of a risk of suffocation.  It'll be nice to be able to start setting everything up though.  We also got the rest of the baby stuff bought over the weekend.  We just need some curtains/shades for the windows and some more diapers.  Once again, we had a pretty boring weekend.  We went out to eat with Paul on Friday and that's about the extent of it other than the shopping.  Well, I just thought I'd let everyone know I'm just lazy and haven't written in this thing over the weekend, not in labor.

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