Thursday, August 12, 2004

Hungry, bored and blah

Well, in a matter of a few hours I'll be back at Magrane.  I've decided not to go to bed since it's going to be so early.  I know I won't be able to fall asleep and then if I do, I'm worried that I'll sleep through it.  I'm so hungry.  I wish that we had some food in the house.  Tomorrow's store day so today, we starve.  LOL  Maybe I'll find something to eat before my interview.  I don't know what I'm supposed to wear.  I know I'll probably be cleaning cages and that sort of thing (which I thought I'd be doing every single interview) but I don't want to go in there looking sloppy and be wrong or vice versa.  I've pretty much run out of "interview" clothes.  I don't have any scrubs yet so that's out.  Well, I'm off to catch up on everyone's journals!

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