Sunday, August 8, 2004

Busy, busy, busy

Today was a lot more eventful that I had previously thought it was going to be.  Me and Shawn were supposed to go out with one of his friends from work, out bowling.  I, personally am not a huge fan of bowling... well mainly because I suck at it.  We played a few games and ended up having a lot of fun getting my ass beat by two boys.  LOL  Afterwards it was still early and I think me and Shawn both felt a little bad if we were to leave Toby that soon.  So we went out to a bar and played pool.  Now, pool I am very good at, if I do say so myself.  At least compared to most girls.  I won two of the three games that I played in and only lost the last game due to a scratch on the eight ball.  By then it was almost midnight and I was getting pretty hungry.  When I get hungry, I'm like a toddler, I get very cranky and tired.  So we ran up to Pizza Hut before they closed and grabbed a large pizza for the three of us.  We all went back to Toby's and ate and I got to play with his many cats.  Of course, me and cats go well together so I was in kitty cat heaven.  LOL  I knew the boys were planning on playing some video games and figured I'd end up bored to death.  Instead, we all ending up laughing our asses off for the next four hours, even though Toby was the only one consistently winning.  By 4:30am, me and Shawn decided it was time to make our exit and head home.  So much for a few games of bowling and then going back home.  LOL  It was nice.  A very relaxed evening.  And it was all under 30 bucks for hours of bowling and pool shooting.  Not bad at all.  Well, I'd better head to bed.  It's past six and I need to get up at a halfway decent time in the afternoon.  LOL 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a lot of fun!  I also suck at bowling---really, really badly. Once my husband talked me into being on a bowling team with him. I WAS THE WORST IN THE WHOLE LEAGUE...the very bottom.