Monday, August 30, 2004

Updating ya'll

Once again, I'm sorry for not updating more.  I've just been so tired when I'm not at work and on the weekends I barely touch the computer.  The job is going well so far though.  I started in out patient today.  I didn't get to do much since it's my first day working one on one with the human part of the client.  The past two weeks I've just been working with the animals and rarely got to meet their parents.  I have to memorize all the questions that need to be asked when they first come in and all that good stuff.  I'm also learning how to use the computers.  Everything has to be entered, whether it be something as big as a spay/neuter or just getting them some frontline.  Of course it can't be easy.  You can't use the good ole mouse to get to the things you need.  You have to use a lot of enter and tab keys.  I also have to learn all the number abbreviations for the drugs, which is proving to be harder than it sounds.  There's a lot of numbers to remember along with all the other info they put into your head all at once.  I would have rather learned the computers before I even thought about going into out patient.  It would make things run a lot more smoothly than doing them both at once.  That's something I'll have to bring up at our next staff meeting.  This is going to be a very short entry.  I'm so tired and have spent most of the last hour just catching up on emails that needed reply's.  I'm soooooo far behind on all my journal's that I used to read daily and now has become more of a weekly thing.  I'm coming home daily with new bruises and scratches.  Many that I have no idea where they happened.  The bruises today I am positive about who gave them to me.  A big black lab that had no manners.  He continued to jump on me throughout the entire time we were talking with the owner.  I have bruises from him on both my arms and legs.  It looks like I've been in a mild car accident or something recently.  I hope I don't break anything or need a trip to the doctor because he'll send me to a woman's shelter for battered women.  Ok, I'm off to bed now.  Something I've been dreaming of since I got up at 7am this morning.  Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:50am.  I hate mornings.  *Sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was riding horses regularly I was always so bruised up it looked like I was abused.