Saturday, January 15, 2005

Gettin' Stuck

I went and got my blood drawn today.  They took FIVE vials!!!!!  I didn't pass out for once.  She let me sit in a recliner and was talking the whole time.  Instead of a band-aid, I got vet wrap all the way around my arm.  She gave me pink and said that meant it'd be a girl.  It was pretty sore for a while.  She was really quick about it.  I mean she took five vials and it was done with in probably under two minutes.  She made me so comfortable, I could've hugged her.  Now let's just hope that's all for a while.  I'm going to get sick of getting stuck real quick. 

The cut on my foot has become slightly infected.  It was from the other day when the dogs had their fight.  I soaked it in epsine salt for a half hour today and I'm going to do it twice tomorrow.  Well, that's really all that's new today.

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