Sunday, January 9, 2005

Another Dog Fight

Today was interesting to say the least.  Me and Shawn went out to eat and on our way home, the cell phone rings.  My mom sounds panicked so I ask her what's wrong.  Apparently, my dog, August and Shawn's dog, Mia, attacked my mom's dog outside.  Thankfully we were almost home.  When I got there she was in her dog crate and refused to come out.  After a little coaxing she eventually came out hoping for a treat.  The inside of her ear was covered in blood and dripping down into her canal.  My first concern was that one of the dogs had burst her ear drum.  I eventually got a hold of Jenn at the rescue and got a sedative from her to calm the dog, Takoda.  She was a little nippy and screamed every time I touched her.  After the sedative took effect we got to work cleaning away the blood to see what damage there was.  Turns out most of the wounds were just scratches with a few punctures.  Nothing serious at all.  The position of the cuts made it appear as if there was much more blood than there really was.  She's sleeping now because the sedative hasn't worn off yet.  The other two dogs are completely unharmed.  I'll have to keep an eye on the swelling for the next few days but I'm sure she'll be fine. 

Really there's not much else new.  Mostly just eat and watch tv anymore.  I got a cheap heart monitor at Target the other day.  I was told by some other pregnant women that I won't be able to hear the baby's heart until somewhere between the 20th and 28th week but I can hear it moving now and hear the kicks that are still light enough that I can't feel.  Well, it's about time I got ready for bed.

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