Friday, January 14, 2005

Ultrasound Results

I talked to my doctor today.  He had the results of my ultrasound from a few weeks ago.  We didn't get wonderful news.  It's not awful but not great either.  Turns out I have something called Placenta Previa or a low-lying placenta.  Right now the placenta is partially covering my cervix, making it impossible to give birth without a c-section IF it doesn't move by the due date.  He says there's a good chance that while my uterus grows, the placenta will move up.  If not I will have to have a c-section or me and the baby could die.  Another thing he said is that the baby is smaller than it should be at this point.  I have another ultrasound in about four weeks and they're taking blood tomorrow.  I'll have many more ultrasounds, until everything looks normal or until my c-section.  I really hope it doesn't come to that.  I would prefer to have a vaginal birth, contractions and all, rather than being sliced open and in pain for weeks.  You also have to be awake during a c-section in most cases.  They don't like to knock you out completely because if the drugs get to the baby, it'll have a slower reaction time once it's out, i.e., they try to make it cry but it can't feel pain so it won't take it's first breath.  It hasn't been a great day for me.  I know I shouldn't worry or be upset but it's kind of hard not to when it's happening to you.  I'm just so grateful for the OB that I have.  He took a lot of time out of his day to talk to me on the phone and try to reassure me, even though I know he wasn't done with patients for the day.  Well, I'm going to go look some things up and then go to bed.

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