Thursday, January 13, 2005

Baby Blues

I can't wait till I start feeling better.  I've been a little depressed lately.  Just pregnancy hormones I think.  It has been happening every few weeks, for about a week I'll feel like crap and not want to get out of bed everyday and then after the weekend starts, I feel better and things go back to normal. 

I went to WIC on Tuesday.  Little did I know what was in store for me there.  I wasn't told that they'd want to prick me with a needle.  It was just a quick stick in the finger but I still told the nurse that I'd probably pass out.  Of course she freaked out and kept telling me that I couldn't pass out, she couldn't let me pass out.  She went and got another nurse who did it for her and she made it so I didn't pass out.  I wish I had her everytime I had to get poked with a needle.  Of course, I looked like an ass after that because I didn't pass out.  I was more worried about the fact that I had driven myself and had no one to take me home if I did pass out.  Why do I always get the nurse's that freak when I tell them I have a phobia??  You'd think they'd train them for these things, even a quick one day thing.

The dogs got into another fight yesterday morning.  Five dogs in a very small backroom all going at it at once.  I was the only one home and had just woken up.  I get up every morning to let them outside and then go back to sleep after they're done.  No one got hurt, except for me.  I didn't even realize I was bleeding all over the kitchen floor until after I was done making sure the husky was ok.  At some point and time, one of the dogs used my foot to dig into with their claws, not once but twice and caused three gashes across my foot.  It stung even more because the husky had pee'd herself during the fight and I think the dog that did it, must have stepped in it first.  No amount of soap and water stops that from stinging.  Well, I'm off to attempt sleep again.

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