Saturday, July 12, 2008

And now, it's thundering

I'm actually going to an adoption event tomorrow for the first time in weeks.  I don't wanna.  ;)  I'm not a fan of being forced to be anywhere at any particular time.  It's a big reason why working has never, well, worked for me.  It doesn't help that I hate taking Doodle anywhere at all.  She's absolutely awful on a leash.  I really hope someone takes her on a home visit tomorrow.  She's becoming a major pain in my ass.  She and my doberman, Cash have started to hate each other.  I already have the problem with the pit bull, Rocky.  I have to let him out separately from everyone else.  Everything that happens with him is when everyone else is isolated to prevent a problem.  I just don't have the energy to do that with two dogs, particularly when one isn't mine.  Cash has been starting the fights but Doodle is definitely finishing them.  I'm concerned that if it continues, I will have a vet bill on my hands for stitches to my dumb doberman.  The first time I had Doodle, they got along so well that Cash was depressed the first few days she was gone.  I guess something changed in the time she was away.  In general, I'm just burnt out on the animals.  There have been plenty of times that I've wished I didn't have to deal with someone or another one a particular night but right now, I don't want to deal with any of them, at all.  I hope I get over it soon. 

After I get home, we're heading to one of my favorite local restaurants, Rocco's.  They are closing for three weeks for a family vacation and it's their last night open.  It's going to be a long three weeks without their spaghetti and pizza!  Husband may or may not be going fishing tomorrow night.  It's the only night of his vacation that I said he could go at night.  In the morning is one thing but at night, I get frustrated because I want help and he's out playing in the water.  He may not be able to go however if it rains as they are predicting.  We'll see what happens.  Sunday, he is participating in a charity go-cart race with my brother and dad.  The go-carts go a ridiculous 80mph.  I may stop up and say hi for a few minutes but I don't think I can handle watching that.  My dad used to race cars (and sometimes still does) and it would just make me sick to watch.  You just sit there and wait for "the" wreck.  I never wanted him to be winning because, usually the guys in front are aggressive and bump.  Whereas, no one gives a crap about you if you're at the tail end of everyone.  I told my husband I'll probably bring him something to drink and then leave.  Hmmm, I wonder what they'll do if it decides to rain Sunday?  Monday, we'll probably be heading for Indianapolis to go to the zoo down there.  It looks to be the coolest day for the week, even though 82 isn't really what I consider cool.  Wednesday, I have my doctor's appointment to try and hear the baby's heartbeat again.  I'm assuming if that doesn't go as planned, I'll be scheduled for another ultrasound.  The doctor I'm seeing tends to like to play everything on the safe side so I'm sure that's the route he'll go if that's the case.  For now, I'm trying not to think about it and just enjoy everyone being on vacation.

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