Sunday, July 27, 2008

Creepy Crawlies

Don't worry, I'll get to Batman at the end of this thing.  I took Mia out to go potty (husband's border collie).  Normally I wouldn't go out with her but I wanted to make sure she went and considering there was enough junk food on the ground to feed Ethiopia for a week, I figured I should keep an eye on her.  (old not really fit for human consumption junk food but hey, the dogs liked it)  While I'm out there, I decide to take a look at the pool since it's been at least a week since I've even been in the backyard.  Omigod.  I didn't know that many mosquito larvae could be breed that fast.  I swear the entire pool is full of them.  There were also some other kind of bug larvae swimming in there except they were pretty huge.  (well as far as any larvae I've ever seen)  It really gave me a case of the heebie jeebies.  I shocked the hell out of the water, although I don't really know if that kills the bugs or not.  We haven't put any chemicals in the water recently due to the fact that the pump broke.  I wasn't sure if it would be a great idea just to toss chemicals in the water and not have them circulate but after seeing that, I said to hell with it.  (oh and of course I can't find the pump for this pool ANYWHERE to replace the old one) 

The Dark Night was really good but I don't think anyone really expected to hear anything different.  I had a hard time not tearing up through the movie knowing that this was Heath Ledger's last film and that it put such a strain on him emotionally.  He played the part of joker extremely well.  I know many will be sad that he will not be able to be the joker in the next Batman movie.  Christian Bale did such a wonderful job with the role of Batman that I can't imagine that they would cast anyone else in his place.  I know Heath got a lot of credit for his role but I think Christian Bale deserves just as much bravo for his character.  He was phenomenal.  Jasmine did extremely well throughout the movie.  There's been a lot of talk about how it should've been an R-rated movie due to the graphic nature of the movie.  Honestly, I didn't think it was that bad.  There's some special effects at the end that is... disturbing but the rest of the movie was what you'd expect from a superhero movie.  Nothing too terribly gory.  She fell asleep during the last half hour or so.  She had her hands over her eyes so much during that time that I think she just passed out.  (she didn't much care for the graphic part that I'm talking about and I didn't want her seeing it, although I don't think she really understood what she was seeing)  I thought it was worth the money spent.  Although, unlike many who have seen the movie, there was occasional talking in the theatre, along with one cell phone going off (C'mon here people, the usher even comes in front of the theatre before the movie starts and says to turn off your damned cells) and several people thought it was ok to text.  Even with the few inconsiderate movie goers, it was still worth it. 


Anonymous said...

I hope the chemicals you put in the pool killed the larvae.  Seems it would.  Batman sounds good, maybe I'll have to take Travis and go see it, or he can take his friend...  Linda

Anonymous said...

I hope you got those nasty larvae. I wonder what the other was? Was it a bug or a worm? We get those swimmie bugs in the water in our pool. They dont hurt anything and they are kinda neat. The chlorine doesnt seem to affect them any. The movie sounds like a good one. I will wait til it comes out on DVD and order it from Netflix though. Have a nice Sunday. :) Kelly