Monday, March 7, 2005

Lamaze Video Classes

I'm currently in a quest for at home lamaze type classes in video or DVD.  Because of Shawn's hours at work, we can't attend the lamaze classes that I had planned on going to so I thought I'd buy a video and do it at home.  I've only found two and they're both 50 bucks.  While the class itself would've cost more than that, I feel I would've been paying for the group experience and the ability to ask the instructor quesitons.  I'll pay the money for the dvd as long as I get told it's worth it.  I think you can never be too well educated, especially when it comes to childbirth.  The videos are "Laugh and Learn about Childbirth; Lamaze and Beyond" (4 1/2 hour tape, the lady that is on the tape was on the Today show) and "We're having a baby! A complete Lamaze prepared childbirth class" (2 hours long and what came up most often in my searches) Maybe Kas can be of some assistance.  Do you think it's worth it or should I just bring you to Indiana for a day so you can teach me 'bout birthin' babies?  haha

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