Monday, March 21, 2005

The Wonderful World of PVC

I decided to start a little project today.  I've been letting my senegal parrot out quite a bit lately but the only play stand she has is very small.  It's made out of PVC piping so I started drawing up some diagrams of other stands that I could make.  Everyone that I've come up with will be under ten dollars.  There are some out there that are much bigger than the ones I'm thinking of making but I'd rather start out with a smaller one.  The one that I have now (which is called a t-stand) was made for me by a friend who also owns parrots.  One of the larger ones that I'd be interested in making eventually is between four and six feet tall.  (I don't yet have the exact sizing of it)  The most expensive part about making any of these PVC stands is the vetwrap.  The PVC is very slippery and all parrots would easily fall off of them so I coat mine in vetwrap.  Some people sand or scratch up the piping but that's just too much work for me.  I don't use glue or cement with mine though.  Some people take that chance with their parrots but I just feel more at ease having everything clean of chemicals.  Plus, it makes the stands very easy to take apart and clean.  (dishwasher compatible too!)  Too bad they haven't been creative enough to make things like this for cats.  LOL

I have the last of my one month doctor appointments today.  After this one, I go to every two week appointments.  I'm sure I'll get scolded today because I never went in for my glucose testing.  With everything that was going on the last month or so, I lost track of time and missed the deadline before I even remembered the test.  (I was given the paper for it MONTHS ago even though there were only certain weeks that I could have the testing done)  I'm not worried about it, less than 2% of pregnant women get GD.  I'll get to pee in a cup today, be measured, have my weight taken and listen to the baby's heartbeat.  (basically the same appointment I've had for months)

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