Thursday, March 31, 2005

Stormy Night

I've found several of my frogs that I've collected over the years that I think would go really well in the baby's nursery.  I'd have to put them up where he's sure not to reach them though.  They're all glass and collectables.  I've got an all white bookshelf that I'd like to paint some kind of stencile on.  I'm thinking lily pads or frogs, something of that nature to go with the room.  Right now I feel more excited about doing the room than the baby itself.  That won't really feel real to me until I'm in labor I think.  It's hard to imagine something that you've never had any experience with whatsoever. 

We had some t-storms last night.  The first ones of the year.  I love the smell outside during and after a storm.  A lot of people say it smells like worms or dead fish but I think it smells like fresh air personally.  Everyone thinks I'm terrified of storms but it's not the storms that I have such a fear of, it's the tornadoes that can occasionally come with the storms.  My two biggest fears (disaster type fears) are tornadoes and fires.  It's more because I probably couldn't save all of my animals in the event that those two things occured.  It would be a miracle to save every one of them.  I'd have a better chance with a tornado than a fire though and I have been known to take all the cats and shove them in the basement if I thought the weather was getting too bad.  It's usually chaos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Decorating the room right now is a concrete way to bond with the is nesting...