Monday, March 14, 2005

Still Boring

I was going to call the doctor today.  I seemed to have been losing weight for a few weeks but now my scale says that I've gained five.  I think the scale might be a little broken is all.  I was really starting to get a little worried.  I have an appointment this Monday so if I feel fine, I'll just wait until then to say anything to him.  I've went through almost this whole pregnancy without worrying too much.  Now that I'm almost in my last trimester I worry about every thing.  If he moves too much or too little, weight gain, etc.  At least I waited till the third trimester to get paranoid.  Shawn's best friend has bought us a lot of baby clothes in the last few months. (for a guy anyways) I don't know if I should think it's weird or not.  In general, he's just a weird kind of guy.  He's pierced from head to toe but likes musicals, chess, played the cello in high school, basically doesn't act how you'd expect a pierced and tattooed guy to act.  He's really nice but he just seems to be going above and beyond.  I asked Shawn what he thought and he said he didn't put much thought into it because it's this guy and he's been a really good friend to both of us for a while and is just excited about the baby.  I figure I won't get too freaked out till he starts calling it his or something.  haha

Me and Shawn started our lamaze video this weekend.  We did two classes out of six.  We've already learned quite a bit.  I thought I knew everything I needed to from reading books but it turns out you can always learn more.  Well, I've got a lot of stuff to do yet before I go to bed so I'd better get to it.

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