Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Moral Debate

I'm having kind of a moral debat with myself right now.  One of our friend's (Shawn's best friend), Paul has a grandfather in Kentucky that is very sick.  They don't think he has much longer to live and Paul would like to go down and see him before that happens.  He doesn't have a license and has a warrant in Kentucky for tickets so he doesn't want to drive down there.  In other words, he wants US to take him.  This would be the third time that we will have taken him down to see his grandpa.  I feel like it's not MY or Shawn's responsibility to take him down there once again.  BUT at the same time, if his grandpa dies and he doesn't get to see him before then, I'll feel horrible.  It wouldn't be such a big deal if we didn't have SOOOOO much going on right now and the fact that I'm seven months pregnant.   (I don't have to tell you that I don't want to sit in a car for six plus hours)  I would have to stay with strangers (ok so not that huge of an inconvience for me).  We have a ton of stuff to get done before the baby is born.  We have an entire room to BUILD yet.  In order to build the room, we have to clean up another VERY messy room.  Then once we actually get the walls up and everything, it has to be painted.  The crib has to be put together, as does every other baby related item that needs assembly.  We should really go visit my dad and Shawn's mom before the baby is born.  I believe the car needs new brakes.  My mom's car needs new brakes and rotars.  AND we still have to measure the walls for the new room AND buy the materials for the room.  Again, it wouldn't be nearly all that impossible since we have three months BUT with Shawn on third shift, it's impossible to get ANYTHING done during the week.  There's just no time.  He's awake for two hours before he has to go to work.  (he's working ten hours a day)  And then we have our trip in the beginning of April that we need to get ready for.  The list just goes on and on.  I just feel like a terrible person if I say no, you're going to have to find another way.  Then of course, I've got Shawn guilt tripping me about how Paul would do it for us if the roles were reversed but Paul doesn't have a seven month pregnant fiance.  If the baby was already born, this wouldn't even be an issue.  It'd be a big fat no, we have a kid and responsibility.  Also, we have our dogs to worry about while we're gone.  With how much fighting has been going on, I can just see some getting seriously injured.  If Shawn goes without me, I'll spend the weekend being pissed off and then I'll have a grudge of sorts against Paul for the next several months.  I just don't know what to do.  I want to kick and scream and say it's not fair but then again, it' s not fair that Paul's grandpa is sick and that he'll probably be going to his funeral very soon.  I'm going to try and not think about it for the rest of the night/day.  I just needed to bitch to someone I suppose.

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