Wednesday, March 9, 2005

The Usual

Well, I went ahead and bought a lamaze video.  I looked at a ton of reviews and finally settled on Great Expectations; Laugh And Learn About Childbirth.  It should be here in a week or two.  I'm sure it will be better than not having any idea as to what I'm going into.  What's more is it will give Shawn an idea of what's going to happen.  He watched parts of Birth Day Live with me but only a little bit. 

August and April got into a dog fight yesterday.  Usually it's whomever August is attacking that I have to worry about getting hurt, UNLESS it's April.  They've fought only twice and both times, August has come out with many wounds.  Yesterday was the worst one so far for Auggie.  She has a puncture on her face, back, top of her head, foot and back leg.  April is only bruised.  She doesn't have so much as a scratch on her.  She will be sleeping in a crate tonight so that I don't wake up to any dog fights.  Trust me, that's not a fun way to start your day.  Aside from being woken up by someone telling you that someone is injured or dead, it's one of the worst ways to wake up.  For now, August is on some mild pain relievers.  Mostly to keep her from getting grouchy and attacking anyone. 

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