Saturday, August 23, 2008

20 weeks and counting

At 20 weeks...

These last few days, my stomach feels so huge, like it can't possibly stretch much further, although I know from previous experience, that it's got a lot further to go.  If I'm not mistaken, it was around this time of my pregnancy with Jasmine that I was feeling the same thing.  It has something to do with the stretching of the round ligaments in your abdomen.  Imagine overeating at dinner to the point you feel like you're going to pop, then multiply that by 2.  You just feel extremely full. 

My husband's dog, Molly got stung in the nose today.  She never yelped but I knew as soon as it happened.  She threw her face into the dirt and began rubbing at her nose.  She continued to rub her nose with her paws for the next half hour, on and off.  I would say poor Molly, except a few minutes after rubbing at her face, she went back where the nest was and began sniffing around looking for the offender.  She was lucky she didn't meet any more of their friends. 


Anonymous said...

I love this side view of you. I remember that exact feeling, like you had eaten too much. Hope Molly didn't get stung again...By the way your comment did go through on the Pickles entry. I'll send an email your way later today hon. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

Look at that amazing to me to think there is a little person in there hanging out!  Ouch, stung on the nose ~ that had to hurt, poor dear.