Saturday, August 30, 2008

Code Ouch!

This is the second night in a row that I've been reduced to tears from the pain on my right side.  I believe it to be round ligament pain but it was never this bad with Jasmine.  It seems to only be in the evening hours and makes it impossible to get comfortable.  Both these two nights, I've been tempted to call the on-call OB and get their opinion but I don't want to be one of those women who calls her OB over something that is deemed ridiculous.  Besides, if it was that bad, why didn't I call during the day?  My mom and I are going to Baby's R Us tomorrow and hopefully they will have a pregnancy wedge that I can use to help with some of the pain.  I had one with my last pregnancy but left it at my mom's and one of my grandma's cats decided it made a good scratching post.  I'd like to find one that supports both my back and my side while I'm trying to sleep but I don't they even carry one of those.  Online they only carry the side wedge.  I may check Target too as they have the combined wedge online.  If I can't find it at either store, I'll have to order it online and hope that it comes quickly.  Being in this much pain, it will be hard not to settle for the side wedge alone being that I would have it immediately. 

It seems my dogs have taken quite an interest in the bee like insects that are taking over my yard.  I have no idea what they really are as I've never seen them before.  They are huge, with stinger's and that's enough to keep me away.  (I'm allergic to most things that sting... where ever I am stung will swell to a cartoonish size)  I let the dogs out today and due to the fact that Rocky can't be out with everyone, I have to switch them all in the mornings so that everyone gets the morning potty.  I went to call Cash in as he was the last to respond and saw him pawing at the ground.  I threw some shorts on to go see what he was doing and saw he'd grounded one of those bugs.  He either doesn't feel much pain or is really hard headed.  He was pawing at it, when it stung him in the foot.  The bug flew behind him slightly and after staring at his paw a minute, he went to lay down to get a "closer" look.  Well, he laid ON the bug and it stung his leg.  He jumped up, circled the bug and tried to eat it.  Do I really need to tell you that it proceeded to sting him in the lip?  After that he managed to kill it without further injury to himself.  I'm sure it had to hurt but after all was said and done he had a prance in his step like he'd just killed a mountain lion.  I don't know about you but if I were a dog, if it stung me once, I'd run like hell and never look back.  And they say curiosity killed the cat!

Speaking of cats, I was supposed to get a mother kitten and her two day old kittens today from one of the shelters but they had to put the mother cat to sleep during the night due to a sudden illness.  I have no idea what happened to the kittens.  There's no way I would be able to bottle feed them so I didn't ask.  It's hard enough to deal with the fact that you can't save them all so sometimes it's best to leave things unanswered.  I will be getting in the next few days, three 3-4 week old kittens.  They are eating on their own so they won't require me to get up with them.  The room is already kitten proof since I had been preparing for the momma and her babies.  I also bought some cheap towels today and put them in a cardboard box as a makeshift bed.  After what this last litter did to that room, no cats shall receive anything nicer than cardboard and towels. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I hope you can find some relief and feel better soon!!

A coworker of mine had a dog that would actually EAT bees and wasps, and as she (the dog!) chewed on them, they would be stinging her in the mouth. OUCH!

Do these bee things make a really loud buzzing sound? We've had a couple hovering outside the window, and they're so loud we can hear them inside. I don't know what they are...hornets??
