Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Someone needs a nap

I am so tired and achy today.  It's obvious to me that my ligaments in my sides have stretched to a level of discomfort.  It will pass once they give up trying to do their job but until then, every meal is an ordeal.  I think the Ambien has been making me sleepy during the day.  It's hard to tell if it's from the pills or just being pregnant.  I am just so tired today.  It's like dragging your body through mounds of sand every second. 

The friend that was supposed to come up from Kentucky, never did.  We called him all the week before he was supposed to arrive and he never answered his cell phone.  Finally, two days before he was supposed to come, he emailed saying he messed up his car and lost his cell phone.  Ironic, considering you can tell when you're purposely being sent to voicemail on a cell phone, something that happened on more than one occasion when we called.  I don't think he ever totally planned on coming up here.  He's a single guy, living with a bunch of roommates and I just don't think he gets the amount of effort that goes into preparing for someone to stay with you.  I don't think I even emailed him back on it.  I felt it was pretty inconsiderate of him.  At least my bathtub is nice and clean now.  ;)


Anonymous said...

I don't like rude & inconsiderate people much less when they come up with some cockamamie excuse.  If plans change ~ fine, it happens...just don't lie about it.
Take a nice relaxing bubble bath in your clean tub ;)

Anonymous said...

Nothing gets me going more than rude, obnoxious behavior. I don't like it from the contractors when they claim they will be here and never show, let alone from someone who is supposedly a friend. If he changed his mind even, the least he could of done was been up front with you. (Hugs)Indigo