Thursday, August 28, 2008

**Still the One**

Yesterday, while me and my husband were fighting, I had an epiphany.  I didn't grasp at the time the full meaning of what I was realizing but it made me cry anyways.  As the hours have waned on, I finally have the pieces put together.  He's the one.  He's just as much the one as he was nine years ago.  Even with his faults, some of which have been gaining in frequency lately, he's still the one.  He still the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, even with those flaws.  It was easy to say he's the one nine years ago (our nine year anniversary was last month on the 27th) when things were always roses and sunshine.  We had no bills, no money, no reasons to argue.  It's easy to say someone is the one when life is free flowing.  Not a care in the world.  But nine years later, the bills are overflowing, the flaws are a showin', the weight of the world is on our shoulders and I know he's still the one.  How awesome is that?  I mean really.  I know we're young still and have years to go, more hardships to come but to still KNOW after all these years it just grabs you when you realize it all over again.  I know that he's the one I want to race from one end of the nursing home hallway to the other end using our walkers.  (I'll win, I'm smaller and I'm meaner... pre-race I'll flatten his tennis balls ;)  )  I was almost asleep when I came to the conclusion that this is where I was headed earlier and knew I had to write it down for I am in a drugged state and sometimes it causes me to forget the kickass ideas I had the night before.  (like the idea for a book that is almost completely lost somewhere in my brain... damn Ambien stole it from me)  So, honey, even when I want to whack you with a frying pan, just to see if that will somehow knock some sense into you, you're still THE one, even if I manage to give you a concussion.  ;)


Anonymous said...

What a great tribute to your husband.  You're right, it's easy when things are easy, but when the reality of life hits, children, bills, and the dreaded C word COMMITMENT too many men run away.  The true husband is the one who shows his substance through the good and the bad, not just the free flowing, free thinking "we don't fight" early years.  Best of luck to you.  Sue

Anonymous said...

This is so nice.  You are lucky to have such a relationship and such strong feelings of knowing he is the one...I'm happy for you.  Yep, it is smooth sailing when things are going good.  It is the trying times that test relationships.  

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful serene epiphany. I hope your husband gets a chance to read this. Paul and I are the same way. We've had it all happen to us, I came broken and abused, he lost a wife 6 months before we met. Our first year was truly us pitted against one another and fighting to survive. Then my daughter came to live with us, with all her teenage angst. I started to suffer balance problems that led to my deafness, disability papers - fighting for something I needed...Now home improvements...Yeah, hard to believe the person your looking at is still the one. It's one hell of wonderful feeling. Love Ya Indigo

Anonymous said...

Jamie, sorry I haven't been by--I thought I had you on alerts, but I guess it didn't "take!"

This was such a sweet entry. I'm so glad you had that marvelous feeling of, as the commercial says, "you'd marry him all over again." I also loved the image of you racing with your walkers in the nursing home. :)

All my best,