Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm not seeing the pretty colors here people....

Ambien is supposed to be the end all, be all to sleep medication, correct?  Yeah, I'm not buying that.  I took 2.5mg an hour ago and have felt NOTHING whatsoever.  A few minutes ago I decided to take the other 2.5mg and see if that would help.  (they came 5mg, but I cut them in half, fearing the "strong" effects of this drug)  I was so excited to just fall asleep for once and what do I get?  Bunk drugs.  ;)~  Oh well, there's always a frying pan to the head.  I hear it does wonders for a good night's sleep but some side effects include blurred vision, headache, bruising, and possible hospital stay if not "taken" directly as prescribed.  heehee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe tomorrow night it will kick in!  Linda