Saturday, April 5, 2008

The good and some bad

Princess went for a home visit today!!!!!  Can you believe that?  I was late getting to the event today and the second I walked in, a man walks up and asks if the dog I had was Princess and if my name was Jamie.  He and his wife were filling out an application for her as I was walking in.  Good timing on my part!  They have a ten and a half month old german shepherd and they were looking for a play mate for him that was his size and could handle him.  They also have a doggy door so she can go in and out as she pleases.  That was a definite plus for her as she always wants to go back and forth.  I hope it works out.  They took her to be groomed after I told them NOT to bathe her themselves.  They said they have the same problem with their shepherd and have to take him to the groomers as well.  After the initial shock wore off, I was a little sad to see her go.  She's actually become a much better dog than when we got her, calmer.  My husband would've rather that Zoey found a home but she's not even on the webpage yet.  I think she may need a home without cats.  I'm going to try spraying her with water tomorrow but I doubt that will deter her from chasing them.  If someone could bottle that energy, they'd have a really good agility dog.  Other than Princess, we had quite a few dogs get adopted today.  Over five at least and two cats.  Not bad for a Saturday afternoon.  I was in shock all day that I have one less dog.  I only have enough crates for eight dogs, so two dogs have been sharing a crate, tonight everyone got their own.  And Cash got a new collar.  We have Lupine and they have a lifetime guarantee so when one gets chewed, you get a new one, free.  It's been a great investment for us.  I cannot tell you how many the dogs have eaten.  All and all, not a bad day.

Yesterday, the maintenance guys were at my mother in laws apartment and left the door open.  Her cat of 13 years managed to get out into the hall and someone must have eventually tossed her outside.  The cat is four paw declawed and never been outside before.  My husband wouldn't let me go look for her tonight.  It's a really bad neighborhood.  Really bad.  I still would've went looking for her if he would've come with me.  I'm so worried that something awful is going to happen to her.  It makes me sick to my stomach everytime I think about it.  I'm going to try and get out there again tomorrow and look for her.  (tonight my husband went and called for her but she h.a.t.e.s. him so she never would've came to him anways)  My mil called for her but if Cali would've meowed, she never would've heard her.  She is legally death and can hear very little.  I took care of Cali for about six months while Shawn's mom was in between houses so I'm a little more attached to her than her other cat Jada.  (we got Jada as a surprise to Shawn's mom and she hates all people besides Shawn's mom)  I hope she magically turns up.


Anonymous said...

Oh no!  I hope she turns up too.  She might be holed up somewhere waiting until daylight.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Good luck ... I hope Cali gets home OK.  I was once cat-sitting for a very neurotic cat (who belonged to a somewhat neurotic friend) in the Netherlands.  The cat ran outside (squeezed herself through a tiny crack in the door as I was trying to let myself in, and ran out into the neighborhood).  I spent hours walking all around Utrecht (a city in the Netherlands) shaking a box of dry cat food and calling the cat's name.  I finally found her ... but what an ordeal ...

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope Cali finds her way back home & no harm comes to her.  Bless her heart.  I can tell you, that maintenance man would NOT want to encounter me after letting my cat out ~ he would never have to worry about being a father again.  :o

Anonymous said...

I got so wound up about Cali I forgot about Princess....good for her!!  It sounds like a good day for adoptions.

Anonymous said...

I hope Cali shows up. I rescued a cat a few months back that was declawed. The poor thing had a collar on that was way too small and was scarred from trying to fight. I nicknamed him Feist. He tried and managed to survive somehow. He's living with an older woman now that loves him to pieces, she kept the name Feist for him when I told her the story.

Wonderful news for Princess. I hope she's happy with these people. (Hugs) Indigo