Thursday, April 10, 2008

One before the road

Rodeo had his staples removed today.  He hates going to the vet now and shakes terribly.  (something he never did till his trip to the ER vet)  I asked if he would ever regain normal function of that leg and was told it could take up to 48 weeks to heal.  (or 4 to 8, my husband has me doubting that I heard correctly... maybe my mom heard better)  Either way, he will not be competing in agility this summer.  It would be too hard on his muscle I think.  I will teach him the basics but speed will not be what I'm going for.  He is indeed happy to have the e-collar off, as are we.  He will need at least a few more days of leash walking but other than that can be his normal goofy self.  If he continues to behave at night, he will have himself a permanent spot on the bedroom floor.  (he usually sleeps in the backroom with his brothers and sister)  We tried having his brother stay in here with us a while back but he kept trying to play with the other dogs after only a few hours of us sleeping.  It's good to have the two boys separated for a little while.  At the rescue, we actually seperate siblings on purpose (different foster homes) once they get to a certain age.  They can become too dependant on eachother and be more attached to other dogs than people.  It can actually lead to the dogs being aggressive with their handlers in certain cases.  We almost never allow siblings to be adopted out together for those reasons and the fact that it is really hard to raise two puppies at the same time.  (I can vouche for that!) 

I wonder if I am becoming a slight workaholic?  I am going on vacation in, oh let's see, five hours and I'm planning on bringing my laptop so that I can work when we're at the hotel.  Weekends are very busy for me on the website and I don't want to come home to a couple hundred rescue emails.

Finding a rescue to take Rocky is proving difficult.  Many of the rescues will not take him since he has bitten another dog, others are full and some just plain ignored my request.  Most of them suggested finding ways to just deal with the problem and train him.  If I had two dogs, that would be an option but I don't.  I have seven dogs and foster dogs coming and going, as well as a two year old child.  I just plain don't have that much time to devote to only one dog.  One of our directors has offered to send out emails on my behalf but I hope it doesn't get to that.  I may have to reword my request.  I don't explain the events of the attack and the fact that we don't know what it was over or if in fact, Rocky was the culprit.  (I can't see one of the other dogs being able to cause that much damage on their own and Rocky was the only dog with injuries)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
Sounds like a tough situation.  All signs point to Rocky ...

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a workaholic...try to put down the laptop for a few hours and enjoy yourself hon. As for Rocky that is a tough situation. A foster parent with no other obligations would be perfect...but seldom are fosters without obligations. (Hugs) Indigo