Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Princess is being returned to me tomorrow.  I had told the people she went home with that she needed to be crated when they weren't home and they didn't listen.  Thus, she ate one of their lazy boys today.  They say she was perfect in all other ways except for that.  They taught her to heal while she was with them.  They kept her inside the entire time they had her.  I kept her in the backroom or outdoors because she was too much for me.  I feel bad for her.  It was a really good chance for her.  I'll be glad to see her however as I never got to properly say goodbye.  They are all my dogs until they go to their forever homes and I try to treat them as such. 


Anonymous said...

People have the common sense of a banana ~ if you told them to crate her....why didn't they?  If they said she was perfect in every other way why not buy a crate and keep her?  They could remedy this if they chose to, sounds to me like they changed their mind and are using this as a lame excuse.  Poor Princess, I really hope she finds a good home.  Thank God she has you to come home to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I'm so sorry to hear this.  Princess deserves a good home and I'll bet she'll eventually mellow out when she finds one.

Anonymous said...

I don't see this as Princess's fault, rather the idiots who took her. It never fails to amuse me how people think animals take care of themselves and don't need time and work. I'm saddened she's coming back, there will be someone better for her out there. (Hugs) Indigo