Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm just like, whatever

Usually I can feel when I may be starting to get a little depressed a few days to weeks in advance.  Suddenly, today, I just felt like... not me.  Since I've been on Paxil, I've felt almost normal or whatever normal is.  Once and a while I'll feel like crap for a few weeks but it goes away.  I was just shocked to come home this evening and be like screw it all.  Maybe it's just all the stress recently.  We have less than $100 in checking and savings combined so that's not helping.  I just feel like once we get through the next week or so, it'll feel better.  At the very least, I'll be on vacation from the 11th till the 13th in Columbus, Ohio at the Equine Affair.  That can either be really relaxing or really awful.  It will just depend on how Jasmine behaves.  The first time we took her, it was pretty awful.  To be honest, I'm not getting my hopes up on her behavior.  I'll just have to deal with whatever happens.  I'm taking her stroller and her monkey (he is  backpack with a long tail... kind of like a leash... and that way she can't run away from me) so at least I'll be able to keep her some what under control.

To top everything off, my laptop has stopped charging.  It's been messed up for a while and we just keep putting off buying a new power cord.  (dogs chewed through it a few times and we patched it back together) I had lot of petfinder updates that needed to be done so I was pissed when it wouldn't start.  Eventually I got it to charge for a little while.  As of right now, I have no charge and am using the battery only. 

I went to feed the rats a while ago and Toby actually bit me.  I was shocked by it so I yanked my hand out of his cage, causing my wrist to become scratched up and bruised, along with my now teeth marked finger.  I hate getting bit by things.  It hurts like hell and then you have to clean it really well, which hurts more. 

Rodeo is feeling better today.  He was trying to prance around all day long.  I didn't end up taking him to the vet.  When I got up today, his leg looked a lot better and I did some research online and there are some gauzes that are dissolvable.  He has a huge hematoma on his ankle that is finally starting to go down a bit.  I absolutely cannot stand that damned E-collar.  No one has been getting much sleep.  He runs into the walls and then drags the thing down the wall as he walks.  Tonight I took it off and lined it with electrical tape, hoping that may make the sound a little less annoying. 


Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear ROdeo is feeling better.  Ouch on the rat bite.  Good luck at the Equine event, I hope Jasmine behaves for you so you can enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
I hope you feel like yourself again soon ... and glad to hear that Rodeo seem to be feeling more like himself, too.

Anonymous said...

i got bit by a rat once, went right thru my fingernail.  I was so mad at the rat!  He didn't last long after that...  I know how you feel about the depression.  I usually have no warning, just feel blue.  I've been out of sorts lately.  Short fuse.  I'm glad I'm going on vacation.  Linda