Sunday, April 6, 2008

Proving you wrong

I cannot tell you how many times a week I get told I'm a wuss when it comes to pain or something to that effect.  When I first get injured by something, I whine, bitch, scream and cry.  Something about those intial first few minutes of pain that just leaves me looking like a toddler who stubbed her toe for the first time.  I will scream profanites at you if you come near me, usually followed by don't touch me, don't f-ing touch me.  I can't stand to be touched when I'm in pain and for some strange reason, everything in my brain is screaming at that moment, that you are about to inflict immense pain on the area that I just injured.  It's best to keep your distance during these times.  Stand by, wait patiently to see if anything is really truly messed up.  Well, tonight I can attest that you have all been wrong about my wuss status.  About 45 minutes ago, I was finishing up with my rats (feeding, watering, playing), as I was leaving the room, the cats were waiting outside hoping to bolt in when I wasn't looking and have kitty cat tv all night.  I went to quickly shut the door and stick my foot out to prevent them from getting in.  Unfortunately (I realize, I use that word a lot... I need to stop that), I did not judge the distance between the door and the cats properly.  My middle toe struck the door and it was violently being closed.  I was right outside my bedroom door, where my daughter was sleeping so my profanities were muted but they were there.  I limped to the bathroom, where I saw my toe... sideways.  Oh yes, I had dislocated the crap out of it at the first joint.  Thinking back now, it looked pretty funny and had I not been in agonizing pain, I would've grabbed my camera and taken a picture.  Did I wake my husband up and have him rush me to the ER?  No.  Did I wake him up and beg him to go to my dad's and get some narcotics and valium?  No.  Did I wake anyone up?  No.  I felt very queasy at the thought of doing this, so I stopped thinking and just did it.  I slammed my toe back into place like I was just cracking a knuckle.  I felt better once it was in place but that split second when it's going BACK into place was worse than any of the pain I'd felt before that.  I cussed some more... for a while... a long while.  Then, I returned to feeding, watering and loving on the rest of my caged furry friends, slowly.  Once done I examined my toe a little closer.  It's a little slanted.  Maybe slightly cockeyed.  But, it works and hell, that foot was f-ed up anyways.  ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh that does sound very painful.  Linda

Anonymous said...

My first thoughts?  Ewww ewwww ewwww...then....OUCH OUCH OUCH...then.....back to ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!     You would have had to knock me out to put it back in place for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie,
No one should ever accuse you of being a "wuss."  Not at all.  However, I do think you should quickly have a doctor look at your toe to be safe.

Anonymous said...

LOL, ya done good jamming that toe back in place but OUCH!!!  I think toes hurt more than most other things!!  I will go into a cursing frenzy too when I hit my toes on something.  You aren't a wuss!

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged (by me) so you have to get busy!!!  ;)

Anonymous said...

Ouch...I've had my wrist broken so on occasion it used to pivot literally out of the socket and hurt like blue blazes. This happened once while I was in the shower, I do believe you could of heard my screams as a smashed it against the wall to knock it back in place...Comes with the territory of having most of the bones in your body broken or dislocated at one point or another.

I would of never thought of wuss in desribing you. Hope your toe soon feels better hon. (Hugs) Indigo