Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Princess News

Well, what a difference a good night's sleep makes.  The people who took Princess home, changed their mind and decided to keep her after all.  They called their vet and found a behaviorist to work with them and her at breaking her chair eating habits.  I don't think either one has ever owned a rescue dog and didn't know what to expect.  I know the wife really didn't want to get rid of her and they must have decided that they would work at it.  In the end I think they will be greatly rewarded.  It's weird to think that I'm proud of strangers but I am.  I'm glad they decided to stick it out and settle for something less than perfection.  I'm happy for her.  She gets to go to the park, and with them to training sessions with their other dog.  She also has the beloved doggy door that she has become obsessed with.  I will be finalizing the adoption after I return from vacation on Monday.  I plan on driving out to their house (even though it's about an hour drive) so that I can see her one last time and meet their other dog. 

I'll be taking Rodeo to the vet tomorrow.  I woke up late today and decided that I should just go pick up Princess (only later to find that they'd changed their minds).  Plus, I have to take Zoey to my director's house for the weekend so I'll be out anyways.  I may just take Zoey with me to the vet (she's excellent on a leash), that way if my director calls, I can just go meet her immediately afterwards.  I'll probably just figure it out on the fly. 

I still have to pack for this weekend.  I have a list of all the clothes I want to take but I haven't gotten around to putting them out.  I was busy cleaning.  We have one of the guys from the telephone company coming out tomorrow to look at our dsl box.  Everytime the phone rings, our dsl pauses and we can't do anything for at least 30 seconds.  It also pauses for no reason at times.  I think it's mostly my husband's computer as I have very little problems with the dsl on my laptop.  We'll see when the guy gets out here though.  He's going to be in the rat/ferret room most of the time so I made sure to clean their cages.  I also put a rug in that room as the carpet is very light in color and it's starting to get stains from things being spilled and dirty shoes.  I figure at least this way I can try and preserve the carpet a bit.  Not sure how my husband will feel about it yet but he's not the one on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor over every tiny stain.

I think I may have talked my husband into allowing me to foster litters of kittens.  I absolutely love kittens.  They are so much fun and little balls of crazy energy.  They will be confined most of the time to a spare bedroom that is also housing three birds and a rabbit.  It will be good for the kittens to be around them in case anyone decides to adopt them that has small animals.  They will be less likely to annoy them after growing up with them.  I will also make sure to expose them to a couple of the dogs during the day.  (probably the aussie's as they are the least cat crazy)  They will be very well rounded kitties!  It won't be for a while as I still have to get that room totally cat ready and have to live up to my end of the deal with the rest of the house before he will cave completely.  I still have to ask how he feels about having the mommy kitty if the kittens aren't yet weaned.  (thankfully, with adult cats, they go to Petsmart several times a month to the adoption center for a week at a time) 

I have decided to start a scrap book of my fosters.  I've never done a scrap book so it should be interesting at first to see how it looks and works.  I have no idea over the years how many fosters I will have and I want to make sure I have a record of all of them.  If I end up doing kitties, I will have a second book for them.  In a matter of a few months I've already had three fosters and adopted out two.  Zoey just recently went on the website so she hasn't even had a chance to get adoption attention. 


Anonymous said...

Pack some warm clothing.  Its supposed to be kinda chilly this weekend here in Columbus, Ohio.

Anonymous said...

I am proud of those folks too  - I thought they were giving up awfully quick so I am so happy to hear they changed their mind.  I think your scrapbook on your fosters is a great idea.  Kitten season is upon us....I know 2 strays showed up recently and are both pregnant.  So I guess I'll be trying to trap them, let them have their babies and see what happens...sigh...why can't people just spay & neuter!!!  Have a great time on your trip, you deserve the break.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for kitten season!  I have a terrible weakness for those little guys.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful news for Princess, I truly do hope they can make this work. As for kittens, yeah it's definitely kitten season. I have one litter on my porch, that I'm going to bring in soon and another cat that is about ready to pop any day now. At this point as much as I love the work, I could use a break from kittens...I was joking with Doc he may as well give up his music room (He keeps his guitars, amps, songbooks in there). The mother's I've been trying for some time now to trap, they were born wild and feral is something they will always be. I just want to get them fixed. I'm always preaching spray and it's hard not being able to catch these two and have them reproducing. (Hugs) Indigo