Friday, April 18, 2008

Router life expectancy... less than one year

My router went belly up this week which is why my posts have been few and far between.  The new one was installed this morning.  We bought a red lobster today for the fish tank.  We decided on the name Fred.  He's pretty neat but we got way overcharged for him.  We were charged for a blue lobster which is about 8 dollars more expensive than the red.  Considering the red lobster price was just over $2, it was indeed a high price inflation.  I've always wanted a lobster.  I wanted to save them from the grocery store when I was a kid.  I even asked to when I became an adult with my own home.  My husband said not unless we'll be eating him.  Fred is quite a bit smaller than most grocery store lobsters.  He is the largest animal in my fish tank at the moment though at about 3 inches long.  He's also surprisingly healthy considering we got him at walmart.  The man that was working back there actually seemed to care about the fish and their health.  Very unusual for Walmart.  Fred's name came about easily.  I had been thinking that we should name him Fred and I asked Jasmine what should we name him.  My husband responded Fred so I thought it was fitting.

Husband is playing Xbox live.  It's a bit weird as he is actually talking to someone from who knows where on the little headset deal.  It's like having a stranger in my living room.  Maybe I should straighten up while he's here.  Yeah it's freaking me out.  Weird.  I just wouldn't be comfortable talking to some stranger while playing video games with them.  I have a feeling he's going to become addicted to the thing rather quickly.  His best friend spent all last weekend here while I was out of town so that they could game. 

I just let the ferrets out into the entire house.  This is the first time they have had the run of the entire thing.  I had to lock up the dogs and make sure there was nothing on the floor that they could ingest easily.  The cats are unsure what to make of them.  They are taking all Jasmine's toys out of her toy box and she's trying to put them all back in.  Maybe I'll blog again later but right now I have to help the ferrets escape the monster child.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your router giving out. I always wanted to rescue the lobsters too, the only thing is I love the taste of them as well...I had to laugh at having to rescue the ferrets from the toybox. They're very playful animals. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I was the same way when I was young with the lobsters at the store, now I get upset at Red Lobster when I see them :(  I had no idea you could buy them at WalMart, or anywhere else for that matter.  I've never seen one in a store.  Cool, I hope Fred is very happy.  I was addicted to Guitar Hero for a while ~ I had to just put it away and stop myself from playing...I was staying up waaaayyy to late!

Anonymous said...

Shelby wants that Rockband combo for the Playstation 2, it is adaptable to that now instead of just the 3. It has the guitar, the mike and the drums, and the game. I didnt know Walmart sold Lobsters like that! Take pictures, I would like to see Fred. Hugs, Kelly