Saturday, April 10, 2004

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to everyone!!!! Hope it's a happy one for you all! Sorry it's been so long since I've written. I had to many problems with AOL journals, as did everyone, that I got frustrated and took a break from the journal thing for a few days. Nothing much really new in those days. Been hanging out with some friends a lot more than I used to. Has anyone else had problems adding animated graphics from Hometown? I had to copy and paste this graphic into the entry to add anything at all.

Something BAD happened today. I let all the cats out for a run around the house. I have three females that aren't fix, two of which are foster cats and one is the little stray. I also have to male kittens that aren't fixed yet. I didn't think either of the males were at "that" age yet. Well, I was wrong. I heard some noise coming from upstairs and find that my mom's little male, Tuffy, is no longer a virgin and the oldest foster cat, Mink now may be pregnant. Can we say Whoops! Let's just hope that I interrupted everything in time. We'll seeeeeee.

::Special Note:: Thank you Lila for the Easter card! A very Happy Easter to you too!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you and yours!  Glad to see you're back!

Anonymous said...

Glad your journal is back up.  Had problems with mine for a few days too.  Hopefully you broke up the kittys *fun* in time! lol  ~lila~